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Full Version: Lead Free Fishing Sinkers to Make at Home
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[Smile][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]These sinkers are particularly good for kids who fish (and maybe forget to wash their hands before eating a popsicle).

Also, they might enjoy making the sinkers because kids love sand.

Thanks for the great tip. It is great to see someone else that does things on his own and doesn't have to use store bought tackle, especially stuff that is bad for your health.

You can learn a lot doing stuff yourself. I have been working on creating my own tackle for years and I found that I learn a lot more about fishing and why things work the way they do. There are days were your idea doesn't work, but if you keep at it you can catch more fish.

I hope more anglers take your lead and drop the lead.

I also work with kids so thanks for the great tip.
That is a cool idea. I just hope that people use discretion as to where they get the sand from.[cool]
[Smile][black][size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"]

You are right. Dumping the wrong kind of sand into streams could be a problem.

The best solution is to GET THE SAND FROM THE SAME STREAM.

Sew up the sinkers at home (or get someone else to do it), add the string but only fill it when you get to the stream. Get the sand from the bank of the stream.

This way has two advantages:

Nothing winds up in the stream that wasn't there to begin with (except a bit of cloth and string, perhaps).

It's easy, since most streams have some sand around anyway.

In a pinch, small stones from around the stream will also do the trick.


Useless with sewing machine. UMMM.. a problem.

Do you have some old shirts around that you are throwing out?

Cut off the long strip in front that holds the buttons and also the one with the buttonholes.

Now you have two hollow fabric tubes.

Cut into sinker lengths, tie off bottom, fill with sand, tie off top and attach to line.

It works!

Thanks for the update. We are glad to see that you did some R&D on your suggestion.[cool]