07-30-2007, 07:23 AM
Generally I hate bass. I hate them as much as I hate blue gill if not more so. Why? They grab my bait and I get them in and I have to rip them off and chuck them back in. I usually don't fish for bass. I fish for channel catfish. Now those monsters will give you a fight. The weather has changed though and now the catfish aren't hitting. So yeah I started bass fishing. I bought a new lure even though I never had any luck at all fishing with lures. I still stand by the live bait is king motto and then comes homemade dough bait and finally the fishing lure dead last. Well I heard some talk about a fishing lure from this guy on a boat and he was telling another guy on another boat about an older man fishing from shore that kept getting bass and well he was fishing with an old school lure. So I bought one today as I did not feel like mixing up a batch of new dough bait. I have to sit on the ground as my parents won't let me make it inside on the work bench. So my back gets sore from it. I wanted to take a break. Just relax. I never in a million years thought I would get anything as every lure I have ever bought failed. Just useless garbage that will one day just go to the dump. When I get around to cleaning out my tackle box. Well you probably are wondering by now what the heck the lure I am talking about is called and what if anything did I catch on it? Well I am shocked but I did catch fish with my new lure. I only had half hour to fish as a thunderstorm rolled in. I caught 2 large mouth bass not big enough to keep but I did catch bass with it. I used a jitterbug. I love the jitterbug. I am not a bassman but it gives me something to do and play with while I wait for the catfish to come in. I doubt any bass will give me any fight at all as I use 12 lb line. I only have one pole so it is rigged for catfish. I was using the black jitterbug. I had fun bass fishing for the main fact I actually was using a lure that delivered what it said it would. Also, I was using this in the day and from what the package says they work best at night. So tomorrow I am going night fishing and see what I can get. I have high hopes for the jitterbug. It can be my go to lure. I am going to go get a couple more black jitterbugs to put away if mine breaks or I lose it. I always see people hunting for certain lures they don't make anymore. So I am going to be smart and buy extras. I have yellow one but I had not luck with it. I just wanted to share that the jitterbug is extremely effective for the people that do like bass. I am just going to use them to pass the time as I wait for channel catfish.