I'm thinking of going up to Currant Creek (the reservoir, not the stream), and when I checked the postings on this board, the most recent one I could find with the search term "Currant Creek" was from January 2005. Hasn't anyone been up there and written about it since then? If you have, I would appreciate any guidance you could provide. If not, I'll post something when I return.
I tried a search and found several post for this month. Maybe you should try again.
I must have done the search wrong. I used the link at the top of the page and then typed in "Currant Creek." What did I do wrong?
I was up there 2 weeks ago caught 4 rainbows in 6 hours from shore. I dont think its worth the trip.
[cool][#0000ff]There are several parameters you can use when searching. First, choose the proper forum...Utah, General Discussion. Second, spell out what you want...Currant Creek. Third, choose the time period you are looking for.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=search_results&search_forum=forum_58&search_string=Currant+Creek&search_type=AND&search_fields=sb&search_time=3m&search_user_username=&sb=post_time&mh=25"]HERE IS A LINK[/url] to the results of a search I did for the past 3 months.[/#0000ff]
Havent fished there in awhile, but last time I was there we did decent on red/white daredevils on spinning gear and black wooley bugers with sinking line with the fly pole. If I get in that area now Im fishing strawberry, no comparison. Good lluck