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About 3yr ago I was sent to Japan on a business trip. I was told to expect some strange food to eat and I have no problem with that. I myself sometimes have a strange appetite. I new some of the people from Japan for I have worked with them in the past and consider them friends of mine. On the 2nd week of my stay I had to attend a dinner with some big wigs. I knew none of them and had to watch my manners and did not want to afind no one. They had already been at the restaurant because I worked late and ordered the food for me. Its true how they set at the table , on the floor and legs crossed. And they do like to party. We had a few drinks and the food was borough to the table. It was a fish , seaweed , squid , shrimp. None cooked! So feeling good from the drinks I started to eat and they all watched me. I ate the white meat of the fish , the shrimp was hole , shell and all so I ate that. This squid did not look like the bait you fish with. It look like something out of your nose. So I tryed that. The seaweed I just could not do.. One asked me how I liked the fish and I said good and it was. The squid had a mint tast to it so it was good. The shrimp shell and all was not bad eather. And I told him I just could not do the seaweed and he said "I don't like also". That made me feel better. The thing is they eat the hole fish , fins and all. Thank God for alcohol that night. Then they started with the cooked food. Ever felt like your being tested??[mad][mad]
ya, but never to that degree, and cirtianly that was an expencive one to boote.

what you ate was the ingrediants of a raw fish roll dish.

safe to eat, even tho raw, the meat had been processed to make the fish safe. raw fish out of the ocean or fresh water carry things that can make you ill... and give you worms....[shocked]

that funny, of all things, I would have eaten the seaweed and left the raw fish, I dont like raw fish and I dont like the sauses they use to spice the raw fish.

You cant get enough booze in me to get me to eat raw fish, you can get enough booze in me to throw up on any one eating raw fish.[shocked][angelic][sly]

I sent a new guy looking for a board steacher once, [sly] I had a 2x4 on the job that was a half inch to short... he was gone for about half hour looking for it. when he came back we stopped for coffee and poked fun at him for a while.

Its a good ice breaker. and you want to be able to joke around with each other, how else can ya handle the serious stuff other wise...

I was talking with an exchange studant who spent some time with a host family, she said the thing they did to her was to pick their noses and ears at the dinner table...

I have a friend of 25 years from tiwan who thought my habbits were just plain weird. well now he is adicted to my habbits, Hunting Fishing and Gardening...[sly] Dont get to close to me, I am contageous...[Tongue]

thanks for the share..