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Found this snake on the Hidden Valley trail above Ogden. Anybody know what kind it is???
how long was it?
Gopher or Blow snake. Did you kill it?? I hope you did![crazy]
wow cool looking dude. im not sure either. kinda looks like the one that wanted to get in the boat with chuck and i 4 yrs ago at yuba. lol i was told it was a king snake and they eat ratle snakes. then i felt bad. rather have him around the camp site than the others.
Gopher or Blow snake. Did you kill it?? I hope you did![crazy] [/reply]

inlighten me Brody why would you want to kill it?
Looks more like a [url ""]gophersnake[/url] than a king .
After comparing a million pictures on the internet, I think it is a bull snake. Maybe not, but the pictures look exactly like it. This snake was pretty small, maybe two feet long.
I hate snakes more than anyhting else on the face of the planet![Wink]
I beleive you are correct. It definitely has the markings of a bull/gopher snake.
If it is a bull snake I hope you didnt kill it they dont hurt anything and they eat alot of mice and other small rodents that spread disease [cool].
I try to kill just about every snake that I see, but this one lived. I thought it was a pretty cool looking snake so I left it alone.
Good deal.....why do your try and kill snakes though?? If you leave them alone they leave you alone, also they are really important to the eco system. I understand if there a theat or poisionious ones become over populated but for the most pat they do more good than harm. If there in your way just nudge'em with a long stick and they'll get out of your way.[Wink]

If memory serves, the snake is a pituofus contenifer desertacola (sp) or desert bull snake and they are a very beneficial snake in that their main diet is rodents. My great uncle farmed a little piece of ground out near Baker Nev. a long time ago & he claimed that if it weren't for the snakes, the gophers would get his whole barley crop.
I, like brody hate snakes more than anything in the world. I avoid them as much as possible and will let one out in the wild have all the room it needs, but when snakes get near domiciles I do go straight for the shovel. I found a rattle snake around the shop at work one day and engaged in a 45 minute death cage match with the thing that ended up with me moving a half dozen utility vehicles and 4 or 5 pallets of fertilizer before I finally ended up in a 4' X 4' area where I managed to turn him to goo. I do have some regrets about hacking at him so hard that I chipped up chunks of concrete, but I also knew that if I left work that night knowing that there MIGHT be a snake in the shop I would have had to quit my job. To be quite frank, I cant even deal with a 12" water snake, but back to the original question; it looks like what I would call a blow snake, although most everyone I've ever encountered has been much bigger than 2'.
Guess I'm never going to Hidden Valley. Defenitely a gopher snake though. [Sad]

[url ""]Gopher/Bull Snake[/url]
OH OK>>>

Hey brody want to come over and pet my snake[Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][Tongue][cool]
Absolutely![Smile] Just let me.... grab..... this..... 45 auto out of the safe and i'll be right over.[sly]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]They do call them blow snakes because these boys can hiss loud! They are very beneficial and should not be killed. Just crap your pants and move aside. A snake that size can't be mistaken for a rattler because, guess what? He has no rattles. [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Small snakes are a different story. Immature rattlers who have not got rattles yet are hard to distingush from non venomous snakes. The only real way in the scales on the tail after their vent. I believe, and it's been a lot of years since I handle a lot of snakes, but a non venemous snake has split scales and a rattler will have solid scales like the belly scales.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Either way, don't kill them. All snakes help control rodent populations. I agree that rattlers have no place in populated areas but don't kill them just to kill them. Give them a wide berth and let them go on their own way. They don't want any part of you either![/size][/black][/font]
It is definitely a great basin gopher snake. We don't have bull snakes in this area. There is no reason to kill one they are extremely beneficial. They eat lots of rodents and other pests. Before you get to to excited about killing everything that moves you better check the regulations because most species are protected. gshorthair
The only snakes I have killed are water snakes while fishing. I have slipped on rocks and bruised limbs and cut skin from getting so scared of the damn things. I they are going to beat me up, I'm going to beat them up.
The only other snake I would kill is a rattler. It is Illegal in Utah to kill any rattle snakes, but if they come near me I consider that a threat and I will defend myself. I hate the nasty little devils!!!