Just curious if anyone knows if there are any BIG bass in Glendale. I was there this past Wed. and really tore them up, but the biggest was only 1.11 lbs. I am assuming that there are a few "bigguns" in there, but where would they be hiding in that lake. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Any other lakes around that area (Preston) good for decent sized bass??? I know Twin Lakes is pretty good but what is the water level there?
I do not know that much about Glendale, because there is ususally too much boat traffic for me. Twin Lakes does have some bass in the 15-18" range. Condie is my favorite bass lake. The bass are just getting back into a good size range after the last draining of the lake. I have never fished it at this time of year so I could not help you with technique but this spring I saw a couple of bass right near the 20" minimum caught and released.
Good Luck
I've fished Glendale alot in years past. I can't say I've ever really caught any over 2.5 pounds. You would think that there has to be some big fish in there, but I've never caught any. The best place to consistently catch larger bass was Winder. The key word is "was". Now that Winder is done, I'm not sure where you can go to target big bass in the area.
Thanks for the responses guys. I have heard that about Condie and it is a shame about Winder that is for sure. Anyhow, I hit up Glendale again today with my Uncle Dan Jarvis. I personally caught 30 LMB, 2 Crappie and 1 "SLAB" of a Bluegill. The bluegill was 1 lb. 3 oz., I couldnt believe it. I forgot the digital camera today, but luckily I had a disposable, so hopefully the pictures come out and I will post them later when I get them developed!!! I didnt even know there was Crappie in there, they could have been nice fillets but I did catch and release all day. Uncle Dan caught 7 LMB, 1 bluegill and hooked into a fish that did not show itself but had to have been a HOG. I was casting up along shore for LMB and he was just trailing his worm behind the boat as I worked the trolling motor and he darn near lost the pole when it hit, not only did it strip line like he had hooked a shopping basket but came unbuttoned for about 2-3 seconds and whacked it again and busted his whole line. We were both so excited yet ticked off, just curious what lurks in the receding depths of Glendale!!! Either go to Glendale or Condie next weekend!!! Hope to get those pictures developed and posted soon.
I've caught 16"ers out of Glendale and 18"ers out of Condi recently. What bait were you using to catch that many? I usually do more like your uncle.
I was using a double-jointed rapala and my brother (on Wed.) was using a rattle trap and a different rapala. All were silver and black. Today was awesome though, the first three casts' landed me 3 fish over 2 lbs. then the rest of the day were dinks with a few 1 1/2 lbers!!!
Thanks slayer. Glendale does have some very nice bluegill and crappie. I've caught my personal best of both in Glendale.
Fished Glendale on 8/12 out of the tubes. First of all, the only place to launch a tube is at the boat dock the rest of the shoreline is WAY too muddy-trust me, I got stuck and almost donated a flipper "trying" to get out somewhere else (unsuccessfully).
Its low and stained and full of bass. Once you find them and what they are hitting on its one after the other. The ones we found were close to the bank. We caught several in the 14-17" range. Don't know the weight as we didn't keep any.
Isn't it a 16" minimum to keep? Hope those 2 in your first picture were getting released!
As fast as they were hitting my thoughts are the smaller ones are just getting to the lure faster than the big ones.
We were using jigs.
I am not to sure of what the regulations are up there at Glendale, but we did not keep any fish the two days that we were up there. I am more of a catch and release type of guy, unless I really get into a good school of nice Crappie/Bluegill/Trout/Smallmouth/Walleye. My Uncle and I were in the red 17' Deep-V Tracker. I think you guys stayed more up towards the boat ramp on the south side right? We mainly just drifted the whole south side.
My wife & I were up there Sunday, 8/12. We fished east of the docks on the south side. My buddy & his uncle were there Wed 8/8 in the same area-thats probably who you saw.
One of my complaints about bass fishing in Idaho is the plethora of rules and regs-12", 16" & 18" minimums, slot limits, general season opener, July 1st opener, 6 fish limits, 2 fish limits, its all over the place. I try to keep a copy of the regs with us, but since 90% of the time we let all our fish go anyway its still tough to remember to look before getting on the water.
Keep your fingers crossed they don't drain many more lakes or it won't matter what the limits are!
Thanks for the reports.
The regulations at Glendale are 2 bass, none under 16". These regulations have worked well for Glendale IMO.
I think Idhunters is right about small bass taking the lure before the larger ones have a chance to get it. I've also found that larger bass tend to be in deeper water than smaller bass at this time of the year. The big bass are also more selective than the smaller bass. A big bass that has seen lures year after year and been caught numerous times is going to be more difficult to fool. There are a few nice bass in Glendale but I doubt there are many fat 18”+ bass in there. I would guess that most of the longer bass are not fat and chunky.
I was there the 8th and 12th!!! I agree with you on the draining that is for sure. I remember when my Dad took me up there over 20 years ago and the water was at full pool and you could catch MASSIVE Bluegill, Bass, Crappie....you name it. Now the drought and the need to water crops is taking over. It almost makes me cry going to the lakes I fished as a youngster just to see them withering away.
Small world ain't it! My wife caught a bluegill there early this summer that was 12" long and 12" across. Biggest bluegill I ever saw. Just not very many big ones there. Funny how the fish do better when there is water. Pray for rain and moderate temps or the water is done for.
Yeah all those "Preston" lakes need some serious rain and a heavy winter that is for sure. Heck all of the western states can use some!!! Do you know if they are shoveling the ramp there at Glendale? I know from the time we were the Wed to Sunday the water went down about 2 feet, so I was just wondering if they go in and shovel the gravel off the ramp that builds up!!! I want to go there for Labor Day weekend and do some fishing and camping so hopefully we run into some serious rain!!!
I don't know about Glendale in particular but most counties will clean the ramps as the water drops, that is, until the water level drops below the end of the ramp.
I suspect that by labor day, without abnormally high amounts of rain, you won't be able to launch a boat in any of the area lakes. I don't know about minimum pools, some places have them, most don't.