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Full Version: Washington State Tuna Trip
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[size 1][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I finally made the tuna trip I’ve been planning on for many months out of Westport Washington and I was not disappointed. The weather held up pretty good with wind waves at 1 to 2 feet, swells at 5 to 6 feet and 7 seconds. The trip was with a group of 10 other friends on a 56’charter boat called “The Ranger” out of Westport Washington. We left on a Monday night at 10 pm for the fishing grounds some 50 miles out. Most of us were sleeping in our bunks by the 5 mile mark resting up for the busy day ahead.[/size][/font]

[/size][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]By 5 am there was a whisper from Capt Don to the deck hands to set the hand lines out. That’s all it took and everyone started waking up and putting on their rubber boots and rain pants in hopes of getting the first tuna. The deck hands put four hand lines out the back and 2 poles with weighted jigs on the sides. The plan was if the hand lines hooked a fish we would just drag the tuna up and in by hand and keep trolling, but if the jigging poles hooked a fish we would circle around and drift with live bait. [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Almost instantly the hand lines hook up and we take turns dragging them in. Then shortly afterwards someone yells,” portside pole fish on”. The Captain turns the boat and positions it so we drift in the direction of the hook up. He then yells, “bait stop” and that is when the fun begins. Everyone grabs a pole and a bucket of live minnows. The plan is to keep your bail open on the reel and hook your minnow so it can swim freely. When the tuna grabs it and takes off, you are to wait for at least 5 seconds before you close the bail and it was recommended that you do not set the hook, oh and one more thing, you better be holding on good. [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Before you know it everyone one is yelling fish on and the Chinese fire drill has begun. Imagine 11 people lined up with in 50’ of each other and 8 of them have a tuna just a pealing line off as fast as it will go. People running from one end of the boat just to have the tuna drag them back to the other end, people yelling I’ll go high you go low, people yelling I see color get the net, just to hear them say a few seconds later, never mind its going deep again. WOW, what a rush. The first bait stop put in a dozen or so fish all with in a brief crazy moment. The Captain looks around and asks if anyone has a fish on. We all yell back no new fish, he says reel up and drop the hand lines. We start trolling for the next school.[/size][/font][size 1]
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[/size][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]This goes on all day and into the evening; sometimes you would catch 2 or 3 in a row and sometimes you would lose a few in a row. Nothing is worse then fighting one for 20 minutes just to lose it right at the boat. Your arms would be burning and you are breaking out in a sweat, but that don’t stop you from putting new bait on and dropping your line back out knowing you probably don’t have the energy to get the next one back up.[/size][/font][size 1]
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[/size][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]It was starting to get dark and you could tell some of us were ready for bed. Over 16 hours of nonstop hard fishing and we still have one more day to go. Everyone passes out after a few cold beers and some fresh grilled tuna in our bellies. Then before you know it, its 5 am and the boat fires up its engine and everyone wakes up to start trolling again looking for that school of tuna that beat us up so badly the day before. The water was a little rougher that night making it hard to get a good sleep. No one got seasick the entire trip, but it was hard to sleep at times with some of the steep rocking.[/size][/font][size 1]
[/size][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]We fish for about 5 or 6 hours and hit many more schools of tuna. The Captain and crew are stacking and packing tuna in all the holds that they have. I hear the crew talking that they have 40+ up front, 60+ down below, 20 here and 20 there, then there was the 4 small 150 quart coolers that were stuffed. Were full and it’s time to go home and everyone now has the look of relief that they survived a crazy tuna trip. 5 hours later we hit the dock and people start to pack their gear to their cars just to return with big coolers for their prize fish. Most of the group opted to have their fish cleaned at sea by the deck hands, so nothing but cleaned bagged chilled fillets in the coolers, ready for vacuum packing or canning when we get home. [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]The final numbers were 160+ tuna for our group of 11, some very sore muscles and some very good eats for the rest of the year. Of course here’s a few pic’s of me and some fish.[/size][/font][size 1]
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Looks like you had a good time. Nice job on the Albies. They are a lot of fun on light tackle.

I hope you can come down to SoCal some time. There is plenty of fishing here too.[cool]
I brought along a fake rubber snake and dropped in the live bait tank. It was pretty funny watching everyone dipping for their minnows and then see the snake floating on top. There was a few good screams until someone got to scared and chucked it over board.
It is always fun to get some laughs on the boats or screams for that matter.

I have one of those new Bass lures called the "Floater". It looks just like a big Turd. That sure gets some screams too.

One of the boats that I fish on gets some other unique entertainment. The lady that runs the Galley has one of those electronic Fart boxes.

I always elect to wear the box inside one of my pockets. When she sees that others are crowding me or my space, she pushes the button. ffffpppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuppppp. I just stand there with a Smile on my face as others remove themselves from what they think is contaminated air.[laugh][laugh]
Is there anything you blokes cant catch.[sly] Good Albacore. We hunt them in down south, in Australia. Very tasty! Top stuff.

Losted some of my best pictures, but have just bought a new dig cam. Nexted trip, two weeks.

Tuna 3
Tuna 3,

One of the guys on our boat came all the way up from New Zealand for this trip. He kept telling us we talk funny.[Wink]
Gday Mate. We do have a lot of species to choose from out here.

On the Pacific Coast there are over 400 species to target. The easiest thing to catch out here is the common cold![cool]
EZOP. What do you mean my boat![sly] No sheep allowed on deck. Unless they can fish.[Wink]

Tuna 3
Steve! Common cold? Have you got lure for that. hehehe

Tuna 3[Wink]
well doggie, I wonder what he will think when he runs in to a redneck...[laugh]

I enjoyed the report, congrats on the catches.
I don't have a lure but I know when they are in the area. The nose starts to run and the Bush Oysters come out too.[cool]