
] I was just wondering if anyone had been out to pelican lake lately. I'm wanting to get down there soon. If so is the lake full enough to get a 14' aluminum boat on the water and is the lake all full to the top with moss that would make it to diffucult to fish and get around. any information would be greatly appreciated.
good luck trfishin
Sorry this is so late, drove by pelican today Sept 3. The lake has dropped a little but still good for launching a boat. I saw 4 regular size bass boats on the water. This time of year can be killer out there.
You can launch and the bluegill fishing has been off the hook hot. Best it's been all year.

] Hey Kayote and Bluefishon thank you for the reports I really appreciate it alot. I'm wanting to take my dad down there really soon for a weekend get away. I work 6 days a week and that equals about zero fishing for me these days so when I get a couple of days off I like to take advantage of them. The only trip I have been on this summer was to mantua about a month ago with the wife and kids. We sure had a great time but I was to busy taking bluegills off for them that I only fished about 15 minutes that day. I still had a great time and the kids are still talking about it. Also can you guys tell me how the bug situation is right now. thanks again I'm off to bed for graveyard shift. good luck fishin trfishin
The only thing to watch out for this time of the year is the crotch-rot (swimmers itch) and bugs.
I usually only go in May, to avoid both!

]thanks N.E.T.O. for the information. I hope the bugs are'nt to bad in a couple of weeks. That's when I was hoping to get my dad down there. As for the swimmers itch I don't wade or swim there when I go but in the past I have seen lots of people swimming in front of the sign at pelican lake and mantua reservior saying not to swim there because of the swimmers itch. Maybe some people just like to itch and scratch but I don't thanks again trfishin