Fishing Forum

Full Version: Flaming Gorge Smallmouth Report- 8/19
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Smallmouth fishing is "[#ff0000]red hot[/#ff0000]"! I took the family into Carter Creek canyon for a few hours yesterday and the kids enjoyed bite after bite. Several occurred right off the side of the boat within their view. Most of the fish were small, but my 4-year old actually hooked and landed a 1.5 lb smallie. Not bad!

Fish were hitting Yamamoto grubs in green/black flake and green/gold flake, on a 3/8 oz jighead. Fish were shallower than expected; from about 3-20 ft. Water temps finally dropped to about 70F after a couple of days of torrential downpours. Hope it helps!
Thanks for posting your report Ryno, sounds like you had some fun, fishing with the kids. Was the 1.5 lb smalley the largest that was caught? Good to hear the water temps are finally dropping, I sure hope it continues. WH2
It was the biggest caught, and we fished from about 12:00-2:00pm. The kids missed several hits and lost some at the boat, but it would've probably remained the "trophy" of the day.