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Full Version: a blast at the gorge
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hello fellow fishers i've got a little story to tell yall about my back to back weekends at the gorge, my first trip was posted last week. and this trip was also a good one. We arrived on friday with just enough time to get the boat in the water again. Saturday morning we headed to the marsh erea to find out if they were there or not. Yep they were there allright and what a fast day i'll bet we caught 15 kokes or so. they were bitting all day long, with the cloud cover we were catching them until 1:00. no real big ones though most were 3_31/2 pounds.i tryed jarreds R.M.T lures but couldnt get a bite off of them. i rigged them with his double swing blades, first one bigger than the second and tried several leader lengthes but i just couldent get any action out of the lure, i was using the lure he posted on here two weeks ago. the one that was rainbow.[ red yellow purple] i gave it an hour but no bites so i went back to my normal lures. it must have been the fishes mood or something sorry jared. sunday morning we went up to buckboard and had slower results just like last week. but we figured we'd give it a fair chance so we trolled for three hours at various speeds and only ended up with one koke, but when we landed him there was fish all over so we decided to jig over them, that turned out to be a blast but most fish we landed were rainbows with two being small kokes. the rainbows when up to 4lbs and i also caught a cut thats the first cut i've seen in the gorge so that was a nice susprize. sunday evening the trolling moter gave us to many problems to stay out so we bagged it. monday morning was alot of fast fishing in the marsh area, we caught five kokes and so many bows i couldnt tell you how many, we had three in the boat that day and we didnt get a break for five minutes. most fish were between 40- 60ft of water. but by 8:30 the bite was over, we still fished until 11:00 until the wind blew us off the lake. monday evening me and my dads freind decided to walk the bank for some bass we caught alot but nothing with eny size the biggest went 12". tuesday morning up bright and early again to go out with jim. we meet up at 6:15 drove out and got the technique leason then started to fish, and i believe on the third try we had a bite, and just how the story goes A MISS. man those fish bite light and quick. but not long after my dad had the first fish on the fish fought so hard my dad looked at jim and said [ what do i do] jim said you cant do anything just let it run, and boy did it run, it made three strong runs and at one point jim started up the bowmount and chased it down. he finaly got it to the boat and it hit 30lbs. so after a couple pics we let it go and started agian. and about a half hour later fish on for my dad again, his arms still sore from the first one at this point, but still got it in the boat and it went 21lbs. so we hit it again and i had alot of bites but i couldnt hook them becuse i was jerking to hard and a little late but i finaly hooked up and after two real good runs and some narly head shakes i landed him. this was the smallest of the day and when 17lbs i belive but was still fun. i have some pics but dont know how to post them. so if ya give jim a hollar he could probably help with that if not i'll ask around. tight lines. BIGFISH6
Nice report BIGFISH6.

You know you are now a sick man! You will continue to need therapy for MACKFEVER. But dont feel bad, many of us have it around here and we manage to survive. Some days are better than others. Just take your medication and go to your classes and you to will survive MACKFEVER.
theres a medication? lol i dont think the doc has enough pills for that one. yep im in trouble, ive tryed for the macs before but only had a coulple of bites and had a good one on trolling last year, but now that jim has given me 1/ 1,00,000,ths of his knowledge ive became an macaholic. well maybe we can shake on the water together one time from sre addiction lol.
[black][size 3]The mack addiction only last for a few years.[/size][/black]
[size 3]After about 10 years, and catching hundreds of them, I'm cured.[/size]
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[size 3]I don't even have the urge any more. The best way to get over it, is just to spend way too much time fishing for them. I spent so many nights camped at swim beach, I would have been better off to have bought a trailer in Manila, and moved there. Most of the miles on my motorhome and boat trailer were on the road between West Jordan and FG.[/size]
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[size 3]Too bad that there is no AA for Mackaholism.[/size]
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Here's some pictures (small and fast-loading!) I got from our day. 'Twas fun!

[inline 8-21-07-1.jpg]

[inline 8-21-07-2.jpg]

[inline "8-21-07-30 lbs.jpg"]
fun trip. lots of kokes and some head shakers to. good on ya guy,s. the doctor has inhected a fatal illness in you. if not treated you will die. dr jim jeckle and hide. his cure is the most infectous part of the damn
sorry for the late reply i gust got my computer working again. yep some nice head shakes and some nice kokes for dinner, it looks like i"ll be doing some more ice fishing up there this winter if the lower end freezes again. it sure was a fun trip with alot of great memories with my dad. im going to get a digital camera soon so i can show more pics in the future and get a little more involved with this site. thanks all and tight lines