Fishing Forum

Full Version: 8-27-07/Nelle
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Well I have never fished anywhere else but the rock cliffs. So I went and tried the PWC ramp I have been hearing about. It was a late decision on my part so I didn't hit the water till 10:00am. Wind was blowing, but I was determined to hit the water. Since I had never been there I went left past the boat docks. I was looking for perch again. Didn't get anything for the first hour. I was getting frustrated since I had planned on picking up a small perch to flavor my hook for the bigguns. Finally got a hit and the little guy was in my lap. Still didn't help much. Had a dozen or so small perch but couldn't find any bigguns anywhere. So I kept moving, trying to locate them. (oh yea I forgot to charge my battery on my finder[unsure]) Since I couldn't find the perch I settled on a hole that I kept pulling out smallies. I had 5-6 smallies that ranged from 14-17 inches. No pics, I've seemed to have lost my camera also.
[cool][#0000ff]Glad you remembered your fishin' pole. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Best perchin' is usually to the west of the PWC ramp. really does take sonar to find them. "Fishing blind" is a serious handicap.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you got into a few fish anyhooters.[/#0000ff]
Good thing I didn't drop by at five this morning to see if you wanted to go fishing.[cool] Didn't think your wife would like being woke up early. Too bad about the perch didn't want to play.