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Full Version: 5 Species Day @ da View
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Took my tube out to Pineview and tried a new spot. Fished for about 3 hours from 5pm tp 830pm with many different lures. Fished spinner baits, couple different stick and crankbaits, and various soft plastics rigged a number of ways.

First fish was a nice ~28in muskie. First from the 'View'! Couldn't get a good measurement because he was longer than my tubes 20" scale. I'm guessing 26-28" though. Then, got into a number of perch on a gulp shiner with the occasional smallie, nothing too big though.

Then, things slowed down at about 730ish, with no real action for maybe 30min. Started kicking back and fishing the shore line. Casting out a stickbait on one rod and drifting a gulp minnow on a jighead on the other. Not hits on the stickbait, but the drifting minnow landed my a catfish (mudder??? feel free to correct me) and a small lmb.

All in all a good evening. 5 species and my first catfish and muskie from Pineview (will attach pics in a few)![cool]
Thanks for posting your report Hartz, sounds like a fun afternoon/evening on the water. Any time you can catch 5 species in a day, not to mention an afternoon, has got to be a good day. That lmb is a bonus, not too many folks even catch them at the view.
I might be hopeful w/ the lmb. It was only in the 7-8 inch range and could very well have been a smb. The coloring was pretty neutral and not too distinct. No red eye... No pics of the bass or perch either. I only take pics of big fish and species I don't catch often... I've got two pics of the Muskie and one of the cat (yet to be attached), so I can't even leave it up the the BFT jury![Tongue]
Good chance it was a LMB. There is a good population of them in there. Not as many as SMB but still a lot.
Congrats on the 1st View muskie. Going back up anytime soon?
maybe tomorrow after work. Staying away on the weekend. Otherwise I'll be up there some time the following week.

Few more spots I'd like to try out yet.[Smile]
Nice report Hartz, glad you figured out the View.