Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jordanelle Report - August 29, 2007
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I fished Jordanelle yesterday with AlabamaSlamma and did quite well.

Started off on main lake points fishing 10-30 feet of water and found fish with in the second cast. Bigger fish are holding in 10-30 ft of water, some shallower in the AM.

They were mostly caught using drop shots with minnow immitations (light colored belly, and dark back) about a handful caught on stickbaits in Green Pumpkin/Black Flake.

We ended up with around 30 fish by 2PM. Here are some pics of the bigger fish. Nothing mammoth but still respectable sized.

[Image: normal_IMG_0907.jpg]

[Image: normal_IMG_0904.jpg]
Some nice lookin smallies ya got there, thanks for the pics!
Dam. What the fish said when it hit its head!

Craig, tell Barry to Smile if he's going to fish my secret spot[Tongue]
