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Full Version: Deer Creek launching conditions????
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I know both ramps are closed and some people have been launching at their own risk from the beach. Has anyone lauched lately and can give me an update on conditions? I have a 22 foot boat that is quite heavy and a 4 wheel drive truck. But i don't care to be too adventuresome with my whole family with me. Is the beach pretty firm or are people having trouble getting stuck? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I drove by there thursday and there were a couple trailers without boats. Couldn't see and on the lake but i couldn't see it all. There were some ruts in the mud/sand at the launch. I personally wouldn't try it right now with that big of boat.
I was one of those on Deer Creek on Thursday. I launched my 19' boat with no problems at all. Didn't eve need to use the 4 wheel drive to get out. Fishing was good for small smallies, great for the kids.

Is there a dock still in the water for loading/unloading people?
They have a backhoe sitting there to pull you out if you get stuck, so it's not too big of a deal. Don't try it if you have a tall lifted truck, my buddy was launching his boat and the guy next to him in a tall chevy hit a hole under water and put his brand new truck on it's side in the lake!! He had to climb out the passenger window to get out of his truck. Hope insurance covers tipping over in a lake.
Not sure about the dock in the water still.
Yes, there is still a dock in the water.