Rumor has it that on Henry's staley springs channel is the spot to be at on the lake. I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me a rough direction or even better the GPS coordinates as to this location on the lake.
I know its probably a secret to most people who fish Henry's, but any info would be very much helpful. Feel free to send me a private message if needed.
Staley Springs is not a secret. It is located in the Northwest side of the lake. North of the county boat dock and South west of Wildrose. It easily identifiable by the the wire that is stretched across the channel. It is illegal to fish on the inside of the "wire." The problem with Staley's is that the channel is extremely narrow. There is only room for one or maybe two boats to cast into the channel if you are flyfishing. The old timers line up there early in the morning and when I say early I mean like 4 in the morning to get that spot. Then they sit on it like their life depended on it. Don't get to close or you will get a "warning" fly in the face on the backcast.
The Staley Springs area is complex. I would recommend Bill Schiess' book Fishing Henry's Lake. His book has an excellent section on Staleys with sketches of the area and the holes.
Staleys is one of the most pressured areas of the lake. Keep doing your research and have a couple other holes that you can go to if Staley's doesn't produce.
Good Luck
Thanks for your input. Are there any other places on the lake you might suggest? I know over on the southern side by the cliffs is a popular spot.
Cliffs! Still got two more weeks before we head up there, but I have caught some MONSTERS in the Cliffs area.
Henry's Lake
Fishing on Henrys continues to improve with the cooler lake temperatures. A few exceptionally large hybrids have been landed recently, as well as cutthroat up to 22". The brook trout fishing continues to improve also. The west side of the lake has been good, as the fish are moving towards shallower water. Bait anglers have been doing fair near the cliff area. Fly anglers have been doing well near the southeast corner when the wind dies down. Fly anglers drift fishing have also done well at times in the deeper water areas. The lake level is approximately 83 percent of capacity and the water temperatures are ranging from the upper 50's to the low 60's. Take care launching your boat as lower water has exposed some shoreline obstructions.
I sure hope it picks up and fishing is great this month! Flygoddess please let us know how it goes in a couple of weeks. I will be up there the weekend after you. Thanks for all your input!!
I'm sure the slightly cooler weather we have had the last few weeks has improved the fishing at Henry's. There are going to be some hawgs caught there this fall. I think I'll have to not hunt one or two of my days off so I can fish Henry's this fall.
I will agree with what Windriver said about buying Bill's book. There are a lot of anlgers who get skunked at there and I also think Henry's has larger learning curve than most lakes. I've fished Henry's since I was a young kid (15+ years) and think I catch a few more fish than the average angler at Henry's. I bought Bill's book this year and found it full of great information. Bill's book would certainly give a person new to Henry's a great head start. You should be able to pick it up for $15 or slightly less. I know the Sportman's in Pocatello and Idaho Falls carry it and I've also seen it in several fly shops in Eastern Idaho. If there are any good still water fly fishing shops in the Salt Lake area I would put money on them selling copy's of Bill's book.
If you have some time to kill look at some of the old posts about Henry's on this forum. Good luck.
A friend of minewas there this weekend , not sure what part, he said he caught 15 from 5# to 12#.
I agree totally Brian. It is a technical lake and Bills book breaks it down to where, when, how and what to use. It is all in writing.
An article in today's Island Park News states over Labor day weekend there was around a 1000 fish die off at Henry's. Here is the link: [url ""][/url]
Not sure if the high water temps and more were probably caught and released since fishing has picked up- so maybe they are not getting revived well enough possibly. Please take the time to properly revive your fish and avoid excess exhaustion when bringing them in. It is

to hear of a die off there.
excuse my language but that SUCKS![mad]
Henry's is a very shallow lake and with the water temps it is stressful on the fish. I fish an Idaho lake over Labor day, but it is 40' at the deep part. I was fishing 20' and caught A LOT, but they were slow to take off, so they stayed int he water and I tried not to touch them at all. Quick picture of a couple, pulled hook while still in the net, then turn the net over, wet hand, hold tail and wait till the took off. I did see a nice 20" floating along the shore when we got there.
It is fun to catch them and if the bite is on it is also fun to go for the numbers, but we have all got to slow down on the return.
This fall will be the first time after two previous fall seasons that I'll have my boat. (if I can get one of my kids to tow it over) In the past we've fished off the shore at various spots with moderate to good success. We normally toss blue foxes and holographic PM's with my 8 1/2 foot spinning rods for distance. I'm wondering what the better trolling methods are in such a shallow lake. I don't plan to take my downriggers obviously but would appreciate guidance on flatlining with various setups. I'm also bringing lead core on two of my level wind rigs. I have most of Bill's flies and most of the other "stuff". I'll stop by the Ashton fly shop as usual. Any thoughts from trollers?
We'll be in (probably) the only tent trailer there so stop by and say hello in a couple of weeks. Can't wait. Grilling one of those 20"+ cuts doesn't get any better. I only keep what we'll eat while there and release most. Hoping the boat will put me into some of those 5+ pounders I've seen at the cleaning station. If I get the boat over I'll be in a silver and black Alumacraft w/a 60hp Yamaha.[

Are you in the State Camp Ground or Red Rock?
FG: We'll be in the state campground. White F150 with Jayco tent trailer. Plan to leave on the 23d but not entirely sure. Maybe a bit earlier. Our stay should be 10 days to 2 weeks; depending on the weather, etc.. Last trip we enjoyed the wolves sounding off at night down along the marsh. Definitely get your attention. It was like they were right outside the way the sound carried. Beautiful place to be in the fall.
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[black]IMO the most effective trolling method at Henry’s is going to be one that doesn't take long to put out a line or take it in. I usually troll deep enough or in areas the require me to take weeds off my line every 5 or 10 minutes. IMO a high speed bait casting reel with slightly heavier line is best. If you’re trolling with 8lb line or a rod that can’t handle dragging a pile of weeds you will have to stop the boat every time you get weeds on. To stiff of a rod can be bad because many of the fish will end up falling off. Being able to cast your trolling line back out instead of slowly feeding it out will also increase the amount of time your lure is being effectively trolled. The later in the fall you go the fewer weeds you will have to deal with.[/black]
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[black]I’ve done well with larger than average spinners at Henry’s. Blue Fox, Mepps and Panther Martin all make good spinners. I also like to troll crankbaits at Henry’s. Pop gear, ford fenders, etc, can be good but I don't really like to fish with them as much. Orange is usually a good color to use at Henry's in the fall.[/black]
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[black]If you have other questions feel free to ask here or I could also PM you my cell number. I bet there will be others who can give you some great tips.[/black]
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[black]Hope the weather is nice while your there. Good luck.[/black]
Thanks, Brian. That's the type of information I was looking for. Weeds are definitely a challenge; even from shore. We were there last year from October 10 thru 20 and the weeds weren't too bad.[

Weather is the name of the game. We have a 14' trailer that both ends fold out for beds, but the middle is all enclosed. I made a cover out of packing quilts for the big seems to hold the heat in. Plus a mattress warmer, he, he, he. FULL HOOK-UP! Wahoo!