[black][size 2]CBR and Myownself noticed yesterday that Lake X was turning over. "Green Slit" is back. It was very prevalent today.
Normally, on Laborers day Strawberry has started its own St Patricks day imitation.
was at the berry on saturday and it wasn't that bad yet.
Tom are you sure?
I think they may just be algae blooms. Turnover is later in the fall from what I understand (but I'm no expert on this).
Turnover on most lakes is when the surface temp gets into the mid-40's. TubeDude probably knows the exact temp., but it happens when the density of the water is uniform at all levels, which is around 46 from what I remember reading and seeing.
So,-------------, how does the "turnover" affect fishing methods/approach both during and after for bass?
turn over is when the surface water starts to cool and becomes heavier and sinks. this normally happens in mid-fall and continues thru fall until the water is one temp thru-out the water colum.
later chuck
Anyone know when that usually happens at da Berry?
Whats up leaky did you get to read my post on lake turn overs.
Before the DWR forums was closed.
It was very informative. LOL hey did you get my phone number so you could call me next week.
No and No. I'm still waiting for info. on my question!! I had you # in the pm that you sent me and now it's gone. Send me a new one, ok?