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Full Version: What was Utah DNR thinking?
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I thought that forum was a fantastic tool for the DWR to interface with the public. I saw nothing but good that came from it.

Any old members of that forum here? PM me, I'd like to hear from you.
Take a minute and look at the many other threads on this topic. Many of the UDWR regulars are now on BFT.
[reply]I thought that forum was a fantastic tool for the DWR to interface with the public. I saw nothing but good that came from it.

Take a look at the ads on this site. That's how it gets paid for. The UDWR was hosting the site for free. I would think it was costing them more than they figured it was worth.

[#505000]Aye. Server traffic requires bandwidth. If you get a lot of traffic like good forums attract you need more bandwidth which costs money. I'm guessing the traffic to their server was exceeding their bandwidth and starting to cost them a pretty penny. [/#505000]
[#505000]Since they are a government agency and really can't do all the fancy ads, they had no way to recoup the costs the forum was piling on them. In the end BFT is a great place to be.[/#505000]
Since the State of Utah was hosting its own page, I don't know that it cost them any more than the people's time to maintain it.
They didn't have ads because they didn't need them. What you think no one in the State government can make an ad?

That forum was part of a public outreach program.

Politics is what killed it. Plain and simple.
The simple truth is that funding an internet chat room for specific groups with specific interests with tax dollars or license fees is probably not the best use of the DWR budget.
Especially when many fine internet discussion sites existis (like this one) that are funded by advertisements.
Cory did a fine job and the site will be missed by all, that goes without mention.
[reply]They didn't have ads because they didn't need them. What you think no one in the State government can make an ad?

That forum was part of a public outreach program.

Politics is what killed it. Plain and simple.[/reply]

They actually tried having ads for a while to help defray the cost of keeping the site active. They decided against the ads after only a couple of days. The ads are the worst part of this site.

[black][size 4]unforunately the ads are a necessary evil here, but I must admit it makes it hard to navigate the site, IMO that is.[/size][/black]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Welcome to BFT! You are right the adds are a necessary evil and they made it hard for me to navigate when I first joined, but you will get used to them and before long they won't bother you as bad. Also most of the adds are not all that bad of places to check out, I sometimes just check out the adds on a slow weekend.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Enjoy you're time here, I used to check up on the DWR site but never registered being a Wyoming guy, and this place is as good if not better most of the time IMHO.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Later,[/size][/#808000][/font]
The rumor I heard was it was not a money issue, but a couple of bad apples that got them in trouble with some special intrest groups and they decided to pull the plug rather than fight...
The impression I got from Cory when I talked to him was that the management kind of had a fear of something and he couldn't dissuade them from shutting it down. Probably worried about liability or something like that resulting from inappropriate posts and/or slander going on on the forums there. Who knows.