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Full Version: A Tiger Muskie Wins
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Last year My brother and a friend went fishing up at Newton Res.
Looking for tigers. We hooked into in no time.
My little brother had on one on and he reached down to grab it in the front of the boat. I asked him how nice it was and he told me my 26 to 29 inchs. I was like cool. I started casting to some promising areas and My little brother asked me for help. I was like god do you need me to take the hooks out for you or what. No I need help he said. I asked him if he needed the net. No she screamed I need help..
I walk to the front of boat and look down the the tiger had flipped around and had gotten his big ass rapala hooked into my little brothers hand he grabbed the fish with and his free hand that he was trying to take the rappala out with. I was freaking amazed. The tiger started flipping out and dug the treble hooks in deeper and he started screaming lol.... Then I seen his hand it was bleeding all over. I went to go grab the fish and it started thrashing around again lol this time it had my brothers pinky and his finger next to it in its mouth lol my brother started freaking out lol....
I ended up grabbing the fish and holding it still while we worked on getting the fish lose. it was a bugger though. finely in the end we got all the hooks out of the fish and my brother lol.
The first thing I told him was see thats why I pinch my barbs...
OUCH [crazy] My buddy was out at willard one day last year and he put a hook in his thunb through his nail and deep into the thumb,(dont ask me how?) he tried to pull it out with pliers and he passed out in his boat, he was alone, he woke up shortly after and get off the water and drove to the ER where they had to remove the hook and stitch him back up, I bet he wishes he would of bent or removed his barbs, lol
thats one grusom tail, I thought the moral was to cary a base ball bat when fishing for toothy critters or never stick you hand in to a lions den... LOL

my dad hooked him self in the thumb a few years back, painfull, required a couple stiches as well.

but my little sister on the other hand, while in the boat casting she drew back with her rod not watching her line and hooked her self right on the tip of her nose... Scaird the day lights out of her, she let out with a bunch of screams that scared every fish with ten boats casting distance....

what made it so funy is it was just bairly hooked in, never got more than the tip of the hook, the barb never made it in. she was fairly young at the time, 10 maybe 12. never even drew a drop blood, but the potential for real damage certainly was there.