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Full Version: white bass boil at Utah Lake/Provo River
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First time I've ever fished a "boil" and found it everything I've heard. A hit almost every cast, sometimes two or three.

I went up river from the lake almost to the bridge when I saw the water churning. One right after another.

Finally got tired of releasing all those 6 inch whities and headed back to the lake.

Only had a couple hours today and never did find any keepers but sure had fun. Gotta try it at Powell.

Those white bass go crazy when they are boiling. I had one take my lure that was hanging from the side of the boat not even in the water. I have only fished the white bass a couple of times and each time they were on fire. Caught about 80 of them in 3 seperate short trips. I even got a 16 incher. Using the right stuff, you don't even need to find the boils to get one after another. Using pink tube jigs, we have landed quite a few walleye when the whities are boiling. The bluegills are nice sized to in the same area I fished. Fun times but too many mosquitoes for me.
the right lure is pretty much anythng in the water, and as for the boils that's a blast. top water baits are a blast when thier boiling. im glad you got into them, hopefully you can find some with good size next time. and when you do liketofish is on the money. the waleyes allways follow the schools of bass. tight lines, jon