Spent a half day fishing Mantua with the Sparkinator. Was wondering how the cooler weather affected fishing. Well ---------------, for me, it was a plus. [

] Caught about a dozen LM ranging from about 10 to 13 in 4 hrs, all on my standard quacamole reaper and split shot above. It was fun getting em out of the vegitation without loosing em. Learned kind of a trick (for me) to help. When they get hung up, go back the opposite direction and work em out. Tried some wacky worms but no takers so went back to my standard. No pics. since there were no brags and just me (the ugly one) and Sparky. You all don't need to see me and you all have seen the Sparkinator so there ya go. [laugh] Kept enogh for eating. So there, you C&R guys. [sly][sly][sly] Love to eat those guys. They are #2 on my list!!!
[cool][#0000ff]Sounds like a good day to me. Probably not many of the power squadron on the lake either.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This time of year can be great, just as the water is starting to cool. The fish seem to realize that they need to feed up for the coming cold months.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those weeds will always be a problem for anyone who fishes light tackle. I have lost some mega bass in there just because my wimpy 4 or 6 pound test could not lift a bale of hay with a fish in it. But, if you are sneaky and patient you can sometimes work them back out.[/#0000ff]
I'm surprised I didn't lose any jigs this last time out as I caught my fair share of hay or 'moss trout' an my ultra-light setup. Love fishing with 4 lb. test.
There are not many deep pockets there at Mantua, but there are some. I marked a few at 17'+ ( I don't think it gets any deeper than 22' in a couple select areas.)
Anyone know where to get an online topo map of that lake? It would be good to see the exact layout and maybe where all the springs are located (not even sure if that's possible).
[cool][#0000ff]I have looked extensively...both at map stores and online. No maps of Mantua.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am attaching one I snaked off Topozone.[/#0000ff]
Thanks Pat. Yeah topozone is about the only place to find maps for certain places. great site.
Looking at that map, it seemed that most of the bass anglers were fishing in the most southern area of that square with the "Res" in it. That's also where I met DKS.
[cool][#0000ff]There are bass all around the lake, and at all depths. The only problem is being able to find them and fish for them. In some spots they are buried back in heavy weeds, feeding on little fishies, and do not look up for a lure. In other areas, they are on top of the weeds, but know how to dive back down in them when they get hooked. It is tough to find a spot in which the bass are both available and with some potential of being brought to the net.[/#0000ff]