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Full Version: What makes a good moderator?
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]With the selecting of a new moderator, it is time to consider just what makes a good moderator? When selecting a moderator, what qualities best fit the job? What do you expect of a moderator? How should a moderator react under stress and pressure?[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Personally, anyone who wants to be a moderator must be crazy. Most days its fairly uneventful but when topics get hot and tempers start to flare, things can very interesting. Being a moderator is a 50/50 job. No matter what you do, 50% of the people think you're doing a good job and the other 50% think you don't have a clue and it changes with every topic. Dealing with egos, tempers, and emotions are no fun. Usually, the time a moderator steps in are at these times when people are not at their best. [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Don't hold grudges. All people have their moments, both good and bad and a moderator who holds grudges has no business being there. Sometimes a moderator will have to back down even though you could react but what was wiser and the best thing for the board?[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]A good moderator has nothing to do with angling skill. He doesn't even have to fish very often or have all the answers when topics of discussion come up. That's what the membership does and can do. A good moderator isn't always the most popular person. A good moderator exhibits people skills and good, fair judgement.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Help the folks that want to be moderators know what you expect of them and what qualities they will need to exhibit to make the board the best it can be. Whom ever it is, I wish them well because like I said, it's a 50/50 job.[/size][/black][/font]
great question. the biggest aspect is be open to others points of veiw. let the boys play. but keep the fires down. personally i get that the new mods should run the other utah boards to take the load off you 2. you 2 will be fine if ya only have this [Wink]. let them get used to the heat before you throw them into the oven.[cool] choose easy.
For the most part this site's membership consist of those over the age of 4, I think. Yet we often find a 4 year old mentallity screaming to be heard and/or calling other people names simply because the other person dont support a single minded point of view. Life is to short to support those type of ego's and to keep wiping noses and butts.

What makes a good mod.?
Knowing when to hold em. Knowing when to fold em.. And knowing when to run them out the door to play.

Oh yeah,, and having the ability to leave one's personal agendea's on the shelf when butts need kicked and noses wiped..

Do I want the job? Not on a bet!! I enjoy screaming and kicking to much. HA!
Don't take things too serious, its just the Internet.......
You know what they say about opinions.... Be open and don't prejudge somone.
I agree with staying behind the scene and out of view.
When you become a moderator, plan on doing a lot less posting on your own.
If you don't,the 50/50 thing that BLM is talking about really comes into play.
Don't get power hungry and try to moderate everything.
Many topics that take a turn for the worse, will work themselves out if left alone.
Talk to the other moderators before making a decision about a post or thread. Get their input and let them help make the decisions.
Well said, BLM
1. Thick Skin.
2. Like someone already said, "It's just the internet."
3. This country is founded on free and open debate.
3. Minimum of 8th grade spelling, or ability to use spell check.
4. "Forum" means discussion, not just questions and answers.
5. Discussions about a topic logically and naturally lead to other topics of discussion.
6. There's more to a forum than "Me and Billy Bob went fishing."
7. The First Amendment.