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Full Version: let the bite beggin!!!!
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ok walleye chasers its time.[Smile] the walleyes will start up any day now in ut lake. its that time again. the same spots you caught fish in spring will hold eyes now as well. keep your jig,s in the rocks!!! if your not getting snagged your fishing for walleyes. exp with retreives. some days they want it swimming other days they want it skipping and on the ruff days they may only take the tica tica tica tica tic! and no i wont elaborate on the last. its top secret. utwalleye and myself figured this one out on accident. lol one good accident! go get them boy,s its big hen season.
Tear em up Ken and Chuck! My rods went into hibernation for a couple month's. My deer hunt starts next week!!!![Smile][Smile]
Good luck to you, are you after meat or horns ?? later

next tuesday, I'm game, can you make it ?? with the water level kept up this year it might be a good run this year. let me know ??
later chuck
Meat most of the time, but this year i was going to wait on a biggun and have been shot down on all 3 big bucks i had scouted.[pirate][mad] Back to the 2-points i guess.[Sad]
Only time I fished for eyes was in MN 10 yrs ago so I cant remember how to get em. Can you be any more discriptive? Is it worth going from shore? And if so, where bout? And between just the two of us, crossineyes, what's the tica tica tica tic? I won't tell anyone. eh?
utah lake, lincoln beach, you really need a boat or tube to be able to fish it effective. try 4in. and 3in. twister tails. try a few differant colors, mostly with chartruse in it. Oh, and that tica stuff is just the movement of your jig. hope this helps, later chuck
Thanks chuck, I'll see what Ican do for a boat. Still lost on the tica. I'll be creative though.
I'm headed out there this comming tuesday, if you can, come on down and fish with me. I'll be at the boat ramp at about 7:00am'ish.
let me know if you can make. shoot me a pm. later chuck