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[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]I got this in an e-mail today. I don't know anything other than what was sent in the email, but I do know I need to catch one of these things someday. LOL[/size][/#808000][/font]
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[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Later All,[/size][/#808000][/font]
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[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][black][size 3]Monster Northern Pike
This guy was fishing and caught a 36" pike - as he was reeling in the 36" pike the 55 lb pike tried to eat it!!!!! Brought them both in on the same net. The 55 lb pike was never hooked but wouldn't let go of the 36" pike.
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Holy cow. That's the biggest pike I've ever seen, and I've caught and guided guys to a few over 50 inches. The girth is unbelievable!

I have had big pike eat smaller pike I had hooked on numerous occasions, but not on that grand of scale!


Those photos have been circulating on the net for a while. The story is a hoax. The big pike was caught in Europe (the original email circulating said Rainy River). The photo with the 2 fish is unrelated.

The info I saw was that the fish was caught 3-6-06 in Holland by a guy named Ewout Blom and weighed right at 44 lbs.

Big pike, huh? Wow!
Wow, Wow, WOW!!!!!
Gotta love photoshop.
Thanks for sharing BRAZ the gut on that fish looks like mine[pirate] and the guy dose look like he may be from Holland?? M.H.
I spent a few years in Holland and Belgium and it was amazing to walk by the 1000's of canals there and look in and see 40-50" pike. I think they call them zander over there. Not sure, but they are everywhere. A big pond froze over and I was walking on it with some people and there was a frozen dead pike that probably measured 45". Half of its body was out of the water. I dont remember taking pictures of that, but being a fisherman that was awesome. So they do get big over there, but I think they are a different species of pike. ot sure again.
Regarless of the story those are some amazing pictures. Wherever it is it looks cold.
So you are back from your trip huh? How was it? You still going to be able to go on the 6th, 7th, and get leave for the 8th of October? Let me know.
pmed you