My new experiences on soft water is running short. Hunts are coming up and time is limited. I'll be at my property soon in the basin and was wondering if anybody can give me some info. on Bullock reservoir. I've never been there because I always go to Starvation or Pelican or my "secret spot" but have been meaning to make it out there. I can't find much recent information on it. Desperate fisherman, need help [

I have swam in Bullock on numerous occasions as a kid and have even fished it a time or two, however I seem to remember my aunt refusing to eat fish out of bullock, couldn't tell you why.
I think they drained bullock a year or two ago for repairs but I cant be for certain. I will drop a line to my aunt who lives about a mile away and find out. Look for something tomorrow afternoon.
Nice, thanks fishy.
Water level is fairly low right now, a better option is cottonwood right next door. Water level is also fairly low there as well. Some nice tiger musky coming out of cottonwood on typical topwater and other musky baits. Always some nice rainbows in bullock but its been fishing pretty slow. Pelican has been fishing really good. The evening bite has been hot! Hope that helps. Some of the other smaller resevoirs in the area are worth a try in the fall as well.
Actually, Bullock is full. It's always full because the DWR owns all the water. Cottonwood is almost empty for outlet repairs. You will find rainbow trout, tiger musky, largemouth and smallmouth bass and black bullhead in Bullock. There are also abundant white suckers (bait). There are some big musky. There are some huge smallmouth too. It's an overlooked water because Cottonwood was producing so well lately. You can launch a boat in the Southwest corner. Lots of weeds now, but fishing can be very good. Good luck. If your looking, another sleeper in the area is Little Montes Creek. Largemouth, bluegill and big fat rainbows.
Thanks for the more detailed report on Bullock, havent spent much time there this year because of good tiger fishing at cottonwood this year. My buddy caught a 21 inch large mouth out of cottonwood a few weeks ago. But I have a hard time not going to Pelican when I find time to go when you get into 50+ fish evenings. Nice to hear there are some big smallies in bullock. Havent fished montes since the dwr did there thing there, hope it turns back into the good fishery it was. Anyway some good options when your spending time in the basin.