09-22-2007, 02:10 AM
Houston, Texas -- The October issue of Texas Fish & Game magazine (TF&G) features a story of significant interest to Texas gun owners.
An editorial published in the magazine's June 2007 issue addressed a joint investigation by the strange bedfellows of the Texas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, and Texas State Rifle Association into the practices of some state prosecutors regarding a 2005 amendment to the law on carrying a handgun while "traveling" in a vehicle. Prior to this amendment, "traveling" was not defined and sundry courts had issued at-odds rulings as to what constituted "traveling." According to the author of the amendment, its purpose was to clarify that ambiguity and allow lawful citizens to carry a handgun in their vehicles for self-defense.
According to the ACLU report on its investigation, some prosecutors did not accept this and chose to apply their own interpretations, issuing memorandums and recommendations to law enforcement agencies accordingly. One of those prosecutors took exception to the editorial, especially the author, editor-in-chief Don Zaidle's opinion that, "...the prosecutors...are at best derelict, and unquestionably in violation their oaths of office..." The magazine therefore allotted that prosecutor space to defend his actions and rebut the editorial in the October issue.
"I thought it strange that a prosecutor would try to defend what seems clearly, at least to me, a practice that was contrary to the law," Zaidle said. "This prosecutor was adamant that his office's treatment of otherwise law-abiding citizens was correct under the law, so we gave him equal time and then some to make his case."
The October issue has the prosecutor's defense and a rebuttal to the June editorial, the text of a memorandum the prosecutor issued to law enforcement agencies about the law in question, and information about a new law that went into effect September 1 reaffirming and clarifying the right of law-abiding Texas residents who do not have a concealed carry permit to carry a concealed handgun in their vehicle.
The issue also carries a feature on the science and bilology of the autumn "bull redfish run." "Why the Bulls Run" expounds on why knowing the science makes a difference in what is in the livewell--and has nothing to do with Pamplona Spain.
The October issue of Texas Fish & Game hits newsstands the week of September 25.
Media Contact:
Duane Hruzek, Texas Fish & Game Magazine (281) 227-3001 dhruzek@fishgame.com
An editorial published in the magazine's June 2007 issue addressed a joint investigation by the strange bedfellows of the Texas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, and Texas State Rifle Association into the practices of some state prosecutors regarding a 2005 amendment to the law on carrying a handgun while "traveling" in a vehicle. Prior to this amendment, "traveling" was not defined and sundry courts had issued at-odds rulings as to what constituted "traveling." According to the author of the amendment, its purpose was to clarify that ambiguity and allow lawful citizens to carry a handgun in their vehicles for self-defense.
According to the ACLU report on its investigation, some prosecutors did not accept this and chose to apply their own interpretations, issuing memorandums and recommendations to law enforcement agencies accordingly. One of those prosecutors took exception to the editorial, especially the author, editor-in-chief Don Zaidle's opinion that, "...the prosecutors...are at best derelict, and unquestionably in violation their oaths of office..." The magazine therefore allotted that prosecutor space to defend his actions and rebut the editorial in the October issue.
"I thought it strange that a prosecutor would try to defend what seems clearly, at least to me, a practice that was contrary to the law," Zaidle said. "This prosecutor was adamant that his office's treatment of otherwise law-abiding citizens was correct under the law, so we gave him equal time and then some to make his case."
The October issue has the prosecutor's defense and a rebuttal to the June editorial, the text of a memorandum the prosecutor issued to law enforcement agencies about the law in question, and information about a new law that went into effect September 1 reaffirming and clarifying the right of law-abiding Texas residents who do not have a concealed carry permit to carry a concealed handgun in their vehicle.
The issue also carries a feature on the science and bilology of the autumn "bull redfish run." "Why the Bulls Run" expounds on why knowing the science makes a difference in what is in the livewell--and has nothing to do with Pamplona Spain.
The October issue of Texas Fish & Game hits newsstands the week of September 25.
Media Contact:
Duane Hruzek, Texas Fish & Game Magazine (281) 227-3001 dhruzek@fishgame.com