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With the Celebration of American Values event impending in Washington, D.C. this Friday and Saturday, September 21 and 22, it's becoming increasingly obvious that the political players on Capitol Hill realize this is an event of import.

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox have announced an speakers list that makes it obvious the event is registering on the political meters.. When the conference gets underway in the Presidential ballroom of the Capitol Hilton, it will feature quite a list of attendees.

Those range from popular talk radio and CNN commentator Glenn Beck to a plethora of presidential candidates and political notables.

The following speakers have confirmed participation to date:

Attorney General John Ashcroft

Senator John Barrasso<br />
Governor Haley Barbour<br />
Glenn Beck<br />
Congressman John Dingell<br />
Congressman Harold Ford, Jr.<br />
Governor James Gilmore<br />
Mayor Rudy Giuliani<br />
Speaker Newt Gingrich<br />
Governor Mike Huckabee<br />
Congressman Duncan Hunter (videotaped message)<br />
Senator John McCain<br />
Senator Mitch McConnell<br />
Governor Bill Richardson (videotaped message)<br />
Governor Mitt Romney (videotaped message)<br />
Senator Fred Thompson<br />
Senator John Thune

Also key in this event is the coming out party of the shooting industry initiative to boost NRA membership and support. That will happen on Friday at a noon press conference, again in the Presidential Ballroom.

Media members are invited, but reminded they will need to pre-register to cover the event and credentials are required for admittance.

If you're a media member needing credentials, please call (703) 267-3820 to get your request registered.