09-24-2007, 09:10 PM
It's been hot and dry in Utah this year. But that wasn't the case on the prairies in southern Alberta last spring.
And that's great news for Utah's duck hunters.
"Wetland conditions improved on the breeding grounds in southern Alberta last spring," says Tom Aldrich, migratory game bird coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources. "That means more ducks should be flying through Utah this fall."
Good rainfall in southern Alberta increased the number of ponds available to nesting ducks by 23 percent over 2006. And the number of ponds available last spring was 68 percent higher than the 50-year average.
"I think we'll see a good flight of ducks coming out of southern Alberta this fall," Aldrich says. "As a result, I think hunters should expect a good hunting season this year."
Utah's 107-day waterfowl hunting season begins Oct. 6.
This season is the first season that hunters 12 years of age and younger can hunt waterfowl in the state. To hunt waterfowl, hunters 12 years of age and younger must complete the state's Hunter Education course, buy a hunting or combination license and be accompanied by an adult while hunting.
Canvasback ducks
One duck that has done especially well are canvasbacks.
In fact, canvasback numbers have reached an all-time high.
"This is truly amazing. Canvasbacks are nearly double their population objective," Aldrich says. "Because they're doing so well, we can allow hunters to take an extra bird this year."
Utah's seven duck bag limit is identical to last season except for one major change: hunters can have two canvasbacks in their daily bag limit.
Wetland conditions
The conditions you'll find at the state's waterfowl management areas will vary depending on where you hunt. At the WMAs where the DWR has good water rights, water conditions should be good within the diked units.
At the WMAs where the DWR's water rights aren't as good, conditions will be drier.
"Farmington Bay and Ogden Bay should have the best water conditions," Aldrich says. "Other WMAs that rely mostly on spring water, such as the Public Shooting Grounds and Salt Creek, will be drier. At Locomotive Springs, only one unit has water in it."
Conditions are also dry at the Clear Lake WMA northwest of Fillmore. Only the main units at the WMA will have water when the season opens Oct. 6.
Canada geese
Aldrich says the situation with Canada geese is similar to the duck situation. The number of breeding pairs in Utah, and the number of young that were hatched, were up slightly from 2006. But both numbers in Utah were down slightly from their 50-year average.
However, the total Rocky Mountain Population (RMP) of geese, which in addition to Utah includes southern Alberta, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and western Colorado, is up from last year.
That's important if you hunt geese after Nov. 1.
"Many of the geese we hunt after the first of November migrate into Utah from the north," Aldrich says. "Based on how well the geese in the RMP are doing, I think we'll have a good goose season this year."
Tundra swans
Tundra swans are one bird that have definitely increased in numbers. This past spring, biologists counted a record number of tundra swans on their breeding grounds in Alaska.
"The habitat in Alaska doesn't go through the drought cycles that the prairies go through," Aldrich says. "As a result, the swan population keeps growing. It's really exciting."
Aldrich says the tundra swan population in the West has increased 87 percent during the past 50 years. "The swan population has almost doubled through time," he says. "And I don't see an end in sight. I think the population will continue to grow. As a result, I think we can expect a really good swan hunt this year and for years to come."
For more information about this year's waterfowl hunt, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at (801) 538-4700. Additionally, you can listen to the Division's Discover Utah Wildlife radio show where we recently discussed this year's waterfowl hunt in greater detail.
And that's great news for Utah's duck hunters.
"Wetland conditions improved on the breeding grounds in southern Alberta last spring," says Tom Aldrich, migratory game bird coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources. "That means more ducks should be flying through Utah this fall."
Good rainfall in southern Alberta increased the number of ponds available to nesting ducks by 23 percent over 2006. And the number of ponds available last spring was 68 percent higher than the 50-year average.
"I think we'll see a good flight of ducks coming out of southern Alberta this fall," Aldrich says. "As a result, I think hunters should expect a good hunting season this year."
Utah's 107-day waterfowl hunting season begins Oct. 6.
This season is the first season that hunters 12 years of age and younger can hunt waterfowl in the state. To hunt waterfowl, hunters 12 years of age and younger must complete the state's Hunter Education course, buy a hunting or combination license and be accompanied by an adult while hunting.
Canvasback ducks
One duck that has done especially well are canvasbacks.
In fact, canvasback numbers have reached an all-time high.
"This is truly amazing. Canvasbacks are nearly double their population objective," Aldrich says. "Because they're doing so well, we can allow hunters to take an extra bird this year."
Utah's seven duck bag limit is identical to last season except for one major change: hunters can have two canvasbacks in their daily bag limit.
Wetland conditions
The conditions you'll find at the state's waterfowl management areas will vary depending on where you hunt. At the WMAs where the DWR has good water rights, water conditions should be good within the diked units.
At the WMAs where the DWR's water rights aren't as good, conditions will be drier.
"Farmington Bay and Ogden Bay should have the best water conditions," Aldrich says. "Other WMAs that rely mostly on spring water, such as the Public Shooting Grounds and Salt Creek, will be drier. At Locomotive Springs, only one unit has water in it."
Conditions are also dry at the Clear Lake WMA northwest of Fillmore. Only the main units at the WMA will have water when the season opens Oct. 6.
Canada geese
Aldrich says the situation with Canada geese is similar to the duck situation. The number of breeding pairs in Utah, and the number of young that were hatched, were up slightly from 2006. But both numbers in Utah were down slightly from their 50-year average.
However, the total Rocky Mountain Population (RMP) of geese, which in addition to Utah includes southern Alberta, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and western Colorado, is up from last year.
That's important if you hunt geese after Nov. 1.
"Many of the geese we hunt after the first of November migrate into Utah from the north," Aldrich says. "Based on how well the geese in the RMP are doing, I think we'll have a good goose season this year."
Tundra swans
Tundra swans are one bird that have definitely increased in numbers. This past spring, biologists counted a record number of tundra swans on their breeding grounds in Alaska.
"The habitat in Alaska doesn't go through the drought cycles that the prairies go through," Aldrich says. "As a result, the swan population keeps growing. It's really exciting."
Aldrich says the tundra swan population in the West has increased 87 percent during the past 50 years. "The swan population has almost doubled through time," he says. "And I don't see an end in sight. I think the population will continue to grow. As a result, I think we can expect a really good swan hunt this year and for years to come."
For more information about this year's waterfowl hunt, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at (801) 538-4700. Additionally, you can listen to the Division's Discover Utah Wildlife radio show where we recently discussed this year's waterfowl hunt in greater detail.