Gills? I haven't been out yet and the fall season where I go tubing is about to be closed for the duck hunting. I'm hoping to get a day of bluegill fishing and save some filets for a snowy day....
I went on the bluegill hunt last Sat morn. Ended up catching about 50 in a couple hours. Mostly 6" to 8" with a couplt 9"'s mixed in. All in all a fun time.[cool]
Wow 50 is great where are ya? I'm in northern Illiniois......
Fishing deep? What did u catch them on? Has the water turn over yet?
I'm in Omaha NE. I was fishing in about 10' of water. The pond is loaded with big arse gills. The biggest I have caught yet is 11". I was using beef hotdogs as bait.[blush]
I was out for a couple days, a couple weeks ago while the moon was new in the sky, only one 9 inch gill, since I put him on the stringer and had him on it for about 6 hours I brought the lone fish home and gave him a home in the freezer.
other than that I havent been out much at all over this past summer...
I go Bluegill fishing here every Friday in preperation for Cat fishing the following evening. Around here a guy can catch 25 gills in less than an hour with nothing more than a 1/4" section of crawler on a crappie hook with 1/4oz splitshot with a small bobber & a 12" leader. They range from 6" up to 9" (I keep the 9" for myself[

Around Chicagoland there isn't that many giant bluegills but alot in about up to eight inches. I could catch them in up and more than nine inches but I have to drive far for them.
Lot in less than an hour that sounds like a great fishing spot! Where are u from?
I'm from Omaha NE, I have a little spill way here next to lake Werspan and that water is so clear you can see the gills by the thousands. It's a blast to be able to see the gills as they take your bait![cool] It's where I broke in both of my sons in their beginning angler apprenticeships. I also have another place local that produces bullheads in the same quantities (lake Cunningham) & beings I primarily fish for cats it works out great for me (cheap bait). If your anywhere near my neck of the woods I'd be more than happy to give you directions to my gill spot.