09-26-2007, 09:10 PM
Maidstone, Vermont ) - The Dyno-Core Premium, the new non-lead muzzleloading bullet that uses dual core tungsten technology to enhance performance, is packaged and available for shipping. The Dyno-Core TM Premium is available in 50 caliber 222 grains and 285 grains. The package includes eight Tri-Petal Quick Load saboted bullets and retails for $17.95 and $22.95 respectively. MDM's new Dyno-Core TM Premium bullets deliver deep penetration and massive tissue destruction with an environmentally safe, dual tungsten core. MDM takes muzzleloading bullet technology into the new Millennium.
For more information about the Dyno-Core Premium bullet please call MDM at (802) 676-3311 or by writing to MDM, RR1 Box 405, Maidstone, VT 05905. Visit their interactive website and sign up to receive the latest news and developments on new loads and see what the Pro's are saying.www.MDM-muzzleloaders.com
Media Contact:
Chris Ellis (304) 574-3555 or elliscom@newriverweb.com
For more information about the Dyno-Core Premium bullet please call MDM at (802) 676-3311 or by writing to MDM, RR1 Box 405, Maidstone, VT 05905. Visit their interactive website and sign up to receive the latest news and developments on new loads and see what the Pro's are saying.www.MDM-muzzleloaders.com
Media Contact:
Chris Ellis (304) 574-3555 or elliscom@newriverweb.com