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Full Version: Wheeler Canyon Owl (9/30/07)
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Last Sunday we went for a hike up Wheeler Canyon it was about 5:00 or 6:00pm when we started hiking. When we got up past the first bridge and turned around to come back when we saw this Owl, I think it’s a Grey Horned Owl. Someone please let me know what it really is. Here’s a few pics of the autumn leaves and the owl.[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]Looking towards Ogden Canyon[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]Further up the trail looking (I think), South East.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]Here's the owl, he coudnt take his eyes off the dogs. He was close enough I could have touched him with a stick but we didn't bother him. We walked under him several times and he just stayed there watching us.[/size][/black][/font]
[inline FSCN1787.JPG]
I don't think I have ever seen an owl with eyes that red, cool picture. I'm not sure of the exact name but I think it is called a great horned owl. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
I was hunting last week and saw a couple of owls, one of them I saw right at dark. I was watching a group of aspen trees(vertical), waiting for some elk to come out, when all of a sudden a horizontal white shape came out, at first I thought it was a tree because it was the same shape as the trees I was looking into. I quickly saw it was moving toward me and saw it was the leading edge of the wings of a huge owl, at least 6 ft wing span. Wow, that was weird, owls sure come in a lot of different colors and sizes. I sure wish I could have gotten a picture of it but it happened so fast there was no way. WH2
[size 1]I don't think I have ever seen an owl with eyes that red, cool picture. [/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]That red eye is from the camera flash, you dork! LOL! It does look cool.[/size][/black][/font]
I knew that[Wink], LOL. And here I thought it had something to do with the cones in it's eyes for the great night vision they have[crazy].
It is a great horned owl. They are pretty rare to find. They had a couple nesting at Antelope Island earlier this year and they blocked off the whole are they were nesting in so no one would bug them. I guess the Fish and Game are pretty protective of them.
Here are a few pics from Antelope Island
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]Thanks for the Info ! Looks like I was lucky to see this one in the wild and get that picture.[/size][/black][/font]
Hookjaw is right about it being a great horned owl. They may be rare on antelope island but they are common in most of the state. They are one of the few predators that eat skunks. gshorthair
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3]That's good to hear, I hate thoes skunks, I've got one under my bunkhouse I can't get out. Maybe I can get the Owl to follow me home LOL.[/size][/black][/font]
I just rode out to antelope Island this weekend, that pair had 3 chicks and all three made it to adults( which is rare for rapters-oldest usually eats youngest).

While I was there the president of Czech Republic was there visiting. He had a motor cade of 6 vehicles,secret service,highway patrol etc. I didn't know who they were and walked right through the middle of them next to the president,my wife said all the body guards were watching my every move. suprised me how much wild life is out there. we saw coyotes,antelope,rabbits,lots of buffelow.