I was just wondering what is the deal with the regulation on fishing the stretch from the highway 89 and I84 merge to Riverdale? I noticed last weekend when driving by there that it has a new fence but I didn't see any no trespassing signs. It also looked like no one had parked there for awhile. Did the state close this stretch or something? I've fished here a few times in the past but not recently so I was wondering if something had changed here. Any information would be great.
Well it is perfectly legal to fish that strech still but, unfortunately they closed off the parking there along 84.
I think you can still access it through a couple neighborhood areas there in Uintah, but i'm not sure where the best access is from that side of the river.
Since they closed it off i have just gone up the canyon towards stoddard, morgan, croyden etc....
Traffic became a problem when the paintball people started using that area.
The State opted to enforce the no parking law for safety.
Some people will have a driver drop them off and walk the river.
That's about the best way to fish it now.
I never did very well fishing that stretch of the Weber any way. I don't miss it.
I second that.... There are some nice pools and runs in that area, but there just doesn't seem to be a good population through there. [

DWR did a survey in that area yesterday and will do another one on thursday from Riverdale up to Uintah bridge.
I will post the results on the DWR website in the Northern Region fishing report on friday.
The survey yesterday turned a FEW big browns, some tiger trout that were about six inches (they were three inches this spring).
Great. Look forward to seeing it.
I am helping out with the fish study tomorrow (thursday) and I will hopefully have some info to give you guys.
I can't wait to see the results. That is my home water. Lived 5 minutes from that stretch for 10 years.
We do our very best to get them back to the water, just as you say, "for all to enjoy"
It looks like some dandy fish (browns) but not many and the tiger trout stocking seems to have taken hold--more later--gotta run!