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[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3] I found a good use for those pill containers given away free by the local drug stores. I use them for cones, beads, eyes etc. If you have something that works well for you why don't you share your idea with us.[/size][/green][/font]
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=30015;][/center]
I use some of the bigger perscription bottles to hold some of my yarn based flies. It doesn't matter on those particular ones if there is a little bending in the yarn. It just adds character.[cool]
...this may sound weird especially from a novice tyer but when scruffy and I got together to give me some basic lessons he told me to use a bobbin even with the wire spool.. you can use the weight of the bobbin to help keep the wire out of your way until you need it...

...I also used my hackle pliers to hold the flat pearl tinsel back out of the way when I was tying the flashback pt nymphs for the fly swap... for me anyway it worked very well...again.. the weight of the pliers kept the tinsel out of the way until I needed it and then the pliars were a larger item to hold on to while setting and adjusting the tinsel to be tied down (seems my fingers are not as nimble as they used to be....

Scruffy knows his stuff. Personally I have a special bobbin for wire or lead, but more a pain in the rear. Plus you use so little of either, not worth tying up a bobbin (again, to me). The wire can be pulled out of the way easy enough, plus if you are using a rotary vise to wrap the body, you can't have that wire dangling there or it will get wrapped too soon.
Now back to the post.....I have some of the bigger pill containers and you drill a hole in the bottom and stuff them with dubbing. Pull the dubbing through the hole.
I like the idea of beads and cones however, but I got my twirl town toy rack at got at the fly tying expo, that works great.
... with my current vise I dont have any other way of keeping material out of my way while doing other thing.. so I improvised.. when I order in my new vise it has one of those bobbing holder thing a ma jigs on it that should help.. for the pliers it serves two fold.. its weight keeps the tinsel out of the way and then I have something larger to hold on to when I need too... I just find it a good way to work with small material I am not used to handling..

.. have to admit though.. I am like the ideas Ive seen here so far... Ill have to keep them in mind as I slowly build up my materials and my tying skills ...

MacFly [cool]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hey there Macfly55 my vise didn't come with a bobbin retainer/holder so I bought a generic one for $12.95. The Dyna-King unit for my vise was about $35.00. They look pretty much alike and function exactly the same. Some generic stuff works for me while others don't. Like I will never buy generic toilet paper. Now don't ask me why! LOL[/size][/green][/font]
[signature] it because it feels like sand paper or that it does not hold together very well???

.. I am looking forward to ordering in the new vise.. has several benefits I am sure will help me to do things better..

MacFly [cool]