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[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Every child should go fishing at least once. Taking your kids fishing can be a fun-filled adventure.[mad] Learn how to prepare for the excursion and make it a trip they won't forget.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]
[/size][/black][/font] [black][size 4][font "Times New Roman"]Here is some tips for you to take a pleasure fishing trip.[/font]

[/size][/black][black][size 4][/url][/size][/black][font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Step One[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Choose a location that is very quiet, with still or slow-moving water. This will increase their likelihood of success.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]
[/size][/black][/font] [font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Step Two[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Rent or buy kid-sized [url ""]fishing gear[/url].[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]
[/size][/black][/font] [font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Step Three[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Use live bait. It will increase their chances of catching a fish. [/size][/black][/font]

[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Step Four[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Have a few ideas to keep the kids entertained while you're fishing. Sing songs, skip rocks and look for critters to fill the time. [/size][/black][/font]

[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Step Five[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Be patient. Kids are bound to get muddy and wet. They may even tangle a few lines. [/size][/black][/font]

[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Step Six[/size][/black][/font]
[font "AR PL ZenKai Uni, serif"][black][size 4]Bring snacks and drinks along. Pack some special treats to reward them for trying this new sport. [/size][/black][/font]
[black][size 4]
One thing I might add, if you do not mind. Is not to downplay the fish. The first time I took my son fishing his first fish was a bluegill about as big as my palm and I was just about to tell him, "Do not worry, son. You will catch a decent sized fish." And he acts like he caught a four pound bass. He wanted me to take a picture and save the fish. Of course I did and he was so proud to show his mom. We never did catch any fish much bigger that day, but he had a great day and he caught a fish!
dont be afraid to set minnimum size limits, and deffenantly be sure to enforce leagle size limits, It all ways a good idea to get the point across to kids when they are young that even adults have to follow rules of fair play...[cool]

you can take pictures and tell them its a good catch and show them how to respect the fish and release them un harmed and promice that if they keep at it, bigger ones will come along... Tell them fish stories of fish so big they pulled you around in the boat for hours before you finaly got it in...

Thats no lie, I have had them that big, When I was 5 I had one pull me right in to the river, knee deap before after an hour of screaming and heading for the deap end my dad finaly came and got the rod out of my hand and he fought it for another half hour before he lost it... the old braided line we used back in the early 60's finaly cut its way off the big steel hook it was tied to....

so you might say, I got spoilt on big fish at an early age, I liked the little ones too, but it was a long long time before I ever started eathing them, the way we kept them at that time was we gutted them and cut thier heads off and scaled them, then we dipped them in corn meal and fryed them in a skillet with al the bones in it..... you only have to get one bone caught in your thought to become leary of eating blue gills,,, Its funny, Blue gills is my favorite now...

if you can be sure to cook them up too, I make fish sticks out of my gills,
[center][url ""][Image: blue_goll.jpg][/url][/center] [center] [/center] [center]I still go after the big ones from time to time[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: Bowfin1.jpg][/url][/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: Northern_Pike1.jpg][/url][/center] [center] [/center] [left]When the guys ask me what kind of fish I go after, I say all of them, Still have a few notches to gouge. Need a muskey and pic, I caught a stergeon once some 40 years ago, released it because it was to small, whats funny about that one is if I caught it today, I would still have to release it because now it is too big... LOL>[/left] [left] [/left] [left]theres a few more species in Mittingan I havent caught, macks, only one place in the whole state that has them, a bit of a hike to get to them, few other trouts, I need a blue cat fish too....[/left] [left] [/left] [left]be sure to let them know we dont always catch fish, But there will be days when you cant keep them off the line....[/left]
I agree with you, I take my neighbor kids fishing sometimes, but I even take out guys and girls older than me that have never fished before or are not into fishing, and I am getting them back into fishing, there is nothing better than seeing someone catch their very first fish.