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Full Version: 6th street dam Grand Rapids
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Crowded!!! You could almost walk across the river on peoples shoulders today and not get wet. The newbies were out in full force today as well which always makes things fun. Apparently "fish on" means throw your line over here and try to snag my fish. Idiots.

Do yourself a favor and fish the holes just south of the dam near the post office on the east side. Less crowed and good chance of an occasional walleye if the salmon arn't hungry. If that isn't producing go 150 yrds futher down stream. Decent gravel beds on the west side just south of the last rapids.

I fished for 5 hours.. caught a couple smallmouths on flies, 2 salmon on... 0 landed. (Gotta sharpen my hooks i guess). Only saw 2 fish taken at the dam. Both were dark.

If you see a guy in brown waders wearing a red white and blue ballcap on be sure to say hello ~ Good fishin~ Mike
thanks for the insite Mike, and welcome to bigfishtackle...

I have yet to make it over that way... I tend to go over to tawas and tippy, but not in the last couple years, gas prices have been a bit stiff for my wallet....
I know what you meen , had the same happen to me at Tippy with my first fish of the fall .
I'm batteling a big steelie on 4# test and this a-hole intentionally casts his chunk of lead across the river and over my line and starts ripping like there is no tomorow , the dillweed !

Fished a small creek last weekend and thought well , I wouldn't have to put up with the same crap , wrong !
no less than 6 guys suround a couple fish in less than knee deep water and start ripping away at the fish , what nimrods !!!!

I wish those guys would "Man-Up" and learn how to fish !