Everyone seems to be doing well now at strawberry, any good locations to take a canoe to and catch some big fish. It would be appreciated if you are willing to let some of your vast knowlege to a novice angler....
this time of year at the berry really dosen't matter too much. I've caught from one side to the other. of corse there are better spots, but the catching is really good all over the lake this time of year.
lots of differant lures will catch fish, some colors better then others.
white seems to be talked about a lot here. I caught fish on green, black, white, multiple colored, I trolled rapalas, storm thunder stick, rebel crankbaits. I've even trolled a black maribu ledhead and just spanked um. hope this kinda helps. later chuck
Thank you sir, I appreciate all the advice...I just don't want to get skunked...
Chuck gave you great advice and I'll only add that if you going to use jigs or tubes it helps to add a little meat sweetener to the deal such as a piece of crawler, chub (I perfer to use only the chub skin and about 3" long by 1/2" wide), shiner, mudbug meat, etc...
Good luck.
Chuck gave you a lot of good advice. In addition to his excellent suggestions, I catch a lot of trout trolling large flies (wooly bugger type), Carter spoons, Cystalina spoons, and Rooster tails. I tip my Rooster tails with a piece of nightcrawler.
However, this time of year at the Berry is my favorite time for tossing green or white tube jigs with 1/4 oz sinkers inside the tubes. In the Fall the fish will usually hit the tubes within the first four to six feet of water. I cast my line out as far as I can and slowly count to four before I start reeling in. I reel the in jigs with a jerking motion and usually get some action with each cast. Sometime the fish hit the tubes with great gusto, but other times they just "mouth" the jig. When they mouth the tube I will feel just a little weight on the line. When that happens I jerk hard. I use a light action rod with a fast action tip and I use Fireline followed by about 3 feet of Vanish or other fluorocarbon leader so I can detect the subtle bites. Great excitement, and great fun!
I hope you have great success! I need to get up there myself soon.
We just got back...
Launch at Soldier creek side and fish the coves north of the ramp with pointer ghost minnows in 78's in 15' or less of water....
If you decide to fish flies, try off the wall colors like white, pink, purple, chartreuse, etc. I have done exceptionally well on this.
Hook: Dai Ichi 1750 #4
Thread: Black
Tail: Black Marabou
Underbody: .030 lead
Body: Black glimmer chenille
Hackle: Chartreuse Marabou wrapped tip first. (soft hackle style.)
first off chuck gave ya solid info. add a frog flat fish since its a canoe they sould be easy for ya to troll. stay closer to the banks like 20 yrds off. also idd stay close to where you put in just in case the gail does as it always does. BLOWS. LOL. that water will kill ya quick this time of yr. o and one moore thing. if i were you id considder changing my user name. look what you are calling fourth. ????? id change it before i left to something possittive.[

Thanks to everyone out there with all the advice....The weather looks a bit eery for tomorrw, so I'll play it by ear..as for the canoe and the berry, I haven't as of yet been in trouble, but then I try to fish smart...stay close to shore and get off when the wind blows in. The pointers I hear and read seem to be the "in" lure. Thanks again
...stay close to shore and get off when the wind blows in. [/reply]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]The canoe forcing you to "stay close to shore" will be a blessing in disguise when it comes to being where there are lots of fish. Fishing Strawberry in a canoe close to shore should be a straight up HOOT![/#002850][/size][/font]
I will say it, but that is cause I would use it....NICE SOFT HACKLE....Plus Tubedud! Going to try it Sat.?