My roommate caught this hog last week from a float tube, stripping a wooly bugger. Anyone know what the state record for a tiger trout is? This one was over 25 inches, not sure about the weight, but it is still swimming, so go find it. Hey brookieguy1, if you read this, we caught it at the spot up north that you told us about.
Nice fish. That place has always been a fun one to go to even before they planted the tigers in it.
[black][size 3]That fish is larger than the current catch and release record. Nice fish[/size][/black]
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[size 3]Attached is the DWR list of records[/size]
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[size 3][url ""][/url][/size]
Looks like I better call the DWR and post the new catch and release record!
PS-CK1-TroutSlayer is the one who caught this fish!
[black][size 3]Congrats to both of you [/size][/black][black][size 3]on a great fish and pictures. [/size][/black]
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[size 3]Did you catch any other fish on that trip?[/size]
Yeah he said he got into about twenty. I wasn't with him on this trip, i just posted the pics for people to see, because he probably wasn't going to do it himself. He said all he caught was tigers, with the exception of one cutthroat.
Hey guys very nice fish. It is good to see that the Tigers are getting some size to rhem finally. Thanks for sharing your photos.
good to see that place still has some water in it. Nice Fish, there are bigger ones in there. One of these days I am going to find out how to drive over and thru the mountain and drop into it rather than drive around.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Oh Man! That is one nice catch. Well done.
That is one nice fish.
I don't want to bring this up again, but the DWR may not accept it as the record. It looks like yo uhave fingers up through both gill plates. On the application itself, it talks about releasing the fish without it being stressed, abused, etc.
Again, I congratulate you on a fine fish. I'm not trying to rain on your parade.
What a 'Hog!
Good On ya. Sounds like a secret place you better keep secret.
That is AWESOME!
Very Nice Fish, good job. later chuck
Wow! nice fish. I was actually just thinking about that lake. I was wondering if there still was some good fish left. Its nice to see its still fishing good.
Very nice fish! That one is a brute!
Very nice. Got my chance at tigers yesterday down south, but nothing close. Still fun however.
Here is one of the tigers taken by one of the FF crew yesterday.
[inline "Ben's tiger Scofield3-02 450.jpg"]
Here is the best I could do on the Tiger trout end:
[inline "Scofield October07 450 1.jpg"]
Bet you wished you had gone south Tube Dud, he, he, he.
By the way, I could be wrong, but wasn't the Tiger Trout Record set at Pali
es this year? Not sure on size but I thought it was around 9 lbs.