Fishing Forum

Full Version: Central Region
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FresnoKings River below the Pine Flat Reservoir
FresnoSan Joaquin River below the Friant Dam
KernKern River from Powerhouse #3 to Riverside Park, Kernville
MariposaLake McClure
MariposaMcSwain Reservoir
MercedLos Banos Reservoir
MercedMerced River from McSwain Dam To Merced Falls
MercedYosemite Lake
San Luis ObispoAtascadero Lake
San Luis ObispoLopez Lake
San Luis ObispoSanta Margarita Lake
StanislausModesto Reservoir
StanislausTurlock Lake
StanislausWoodward Reservoir
TulareKern River from Bush Creek to Fairview Dam
TulareKern River from Fairview Dam to Falling Waters Lodge
TulareNorth Fork of Middle Fork Tule River at Wishon Campground
TularePeppermint Creek
TulareSouth Fork of Middle Fork Tule River at Camp Nelson
TuolumneDon Pedro Reservoir
TuolumneNew Melones Lake
TuolumneTulloch Reservoir