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Got these from my cousin. he got them from a fella that claims they were taken at Dugway proving grounds. Take a look
[inline Dugway.jpg]
oh my very nice
I'm pretty sure I couldn't resist the temptation to stick one of those if it happened to be in my yard during the hunt...Dugway or not!
Nice bucks indeed.
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]Those would definitely qualify as "shooter" bucks! Very nice bucks indeed.[/#ff4040][/font]
A buddy of mine knew the comander out there. You wouldn't believe how hard I worked to get a pass on those grounds. Between the comander always being busy right now talk to me later and my buddy not sure he had the time I never got on the base. Bucks like that do live there though.
Wow.... Those are some nice bucks...
Those're genuine. I found a shed with the exact genetics as that 4 point with the split on the back on the south fence line on saturday. Saddly enough, those are little baby boys by dugway standards. I used to be able to get down on base before 9/11. On the golf course last time I was down there were at least 10 over 35". Honest to god. One monster freak.

None of those deer will be killed, either. Never. The hunts down in dugway, when they do happen, take place on the back side, well southwest of the English Village. Mostly the little bucks, and that area is patrolled heavilly daily. No bigger deer down there. Trust me, I've looked into that one, too. It's not worth it, though. Too many places south and east of that contaminated land with deer as big as dugways to waste your time dreaming.
Yeah I have been out there on base a few times doing some "military work/duties" (Top Secret, could tell you but you know what I would have to do to you), and there are some MONSTER's like some have mentioned. You can darn near go up to them and put a rope around their necks and guide them to the butcher!!! But for some reason that picture is making my eyes "twitch" it just doesnt look right. I do know and believe that these deer are very comfortable with their surroundings on base, but like I said the picture looks almost fake for some reason!!! Oh well, maybe one day the base will get over run by the MONSTER's and they will let MILITARY hunt for free down there!!![laugh]
I was down at dugway last year and I saw them everywhere. Laying in peoples yards and we had to wait on about 10 that were just hanging out n the road. Hell Hozer almost got attacked by one when we left the bowling alley/bar/Subway/only place on base to drink.