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Full Version: Flaming Gorge Reminder
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I've received a boat-load of calls and emails about fishing the Gorge this week and weekend. (Must be the nice weather!). Just a reminder that the rules were changed slightly from last year: [size 2]
Linwood Bay, west of a line from the eastern most point of the south shore of Linwood Bay (mouth of canyon) to eastern most point of the north shore of Linwood Bay (Lucerne Point), CLOSED between official sunset and sunrise, October 15 through December 15. [left]The closure is NOT from 6pm to 7am.[/left] [left] [/left] [left]The fish are in there!!! The game warden sure isn't! (but there might be a miracle, you never know.[Wink])[/left][/size]
So what you are saying is that you are giving a $125 off BFT Member Discount right??? Could have sworn thats how I read it!!![Wink]
Does that mean that one can go there in their boat earlier as long as they don't drop a line until official sunrise>