Here in Minnesota our rifle season starts a week from tommorow. I am so excited I'm having a hard time getting anything done at work. I don't know when seasons start in other states, is anyone hunting yet? Any success if you are? Those who are going soon, what are you doing to get ready?
Here in UT the archery ended sep 13 and the muzzleloader ended oct 4th. The rifle hunt ends sunday so it is pretty much wrapped up this year. I got a nice 2-point on the muzzle hunt. Good luck to you.[cool]
[cool] Went to the deer camp this past weekend , getting the wood cut , etc !! Also , the camp is off a private lake where we caught our supper of 1 lb sunfish !! Fish and fried potatoes and onions , don;t get any better than that !! It will be my daughters first stay at the camp , so shes really excited !! Good luck to you UpNorthMN , hope you have a great hunt , and be safe , cause you know how those city folks are !! LOL !!
Flagmanonice !!
here in michigan...
we had a youth and disabled vets hunt in september,
our bow season opened october first and will close on november fourteenth and reopen again december one and close again on january first.
our rifle season opens november fifteenth and closes november thirthith.
our muzzle loader season opens december tenth and closes on the twentyith.. "not exactly sure of the dates on this one but it is close"
Looks like I'll be hunting this year again doc gave me the ok can't say i'm all to excited but it's just another deer hunt..
Opening weekend was somewhat productive for us. I shot a big spiker saturday morning, saw 8 deer total. My dad shot a 6 pointer yesterday afternoon, small basket rack but definately a quality deer. The other 4 people in our crew didn't get anything ( rookies [

] ) I am excited to get out and do some weekday hunting, we have plenty of tags and like Flag refered to, it will be a bit better once the city folk are out of the woods [

we are in the fifth week of bow season here in mittingan and bouy is my can sore, a solid week of sittin..... [pirate]
enjoyed the change of seenery, but man I need a pillow...
I saw three tom turkeys yesterday, and today I saw two deer, "a small doe and a tag-a-long fawn"...
Second weekend was real productive. We got 3 more bucks 5pt 7pt and 9pt and 2 big does. The 9 pointer was the biggest deer my dad has ever shot in 42 years of hunting. 12 inches tip to tip, 16 inches and the widest part of the rack and 235 lbs field dressed. I will get pictures up as soon as I get a chance. The 7 pointer was my second buck of the year (first 2 buck year of my life). One of my buddies shot the 5pt and 1 doe. One of my dads friends shot the other doe.
I went and sat today, watching to see what all was going on in the woods around me, just two more days of bow season then rifle season opens,
As I sat there over the corse of the day I saw at least 23 hunters baiting a 40 acre plot of ground...
I am wondering if I should take opening day off and hide in a bar telling big fish stories..[unsure]
opening up on a thursday and high priced gas to go any where on top of the high unemployment in my area I expect rifle hunting for the first 4 days is going to be nothing but a shooting gallery,
reminds me of what I saw opening morning some 25 years ago when I was late ariving to the site, I got there at the break of daylight only to find no less than 30 orange vest circled around a one acre feild.... needless to say I didnt stay, all I could think about was a deer making the mistake of running in to that cirlce...
Black Powder season closed last week in Manitoba, and General season opened up this past monday. I was successful filling both tags.
Heres the little 4x4 I shot on the blackpowder tag, taken from my tree stand on the family farm. Note: Boat still ready to go for a last fall fish...
And heres a much bigger 4x4 taken on my General tag, harvested from a secret spot of mine in the Wildlife Management Area a couple miles from the farm.
![[Image: HPIM0367.JPG]](
Too cool! That second buck looks like a pretty nice one. Gongrats on both.
I'm glad I don't hunt in your state, that sounds scary [shocked][shocked]
Opening weekend is bad enough here when you get 30 guys hunting a couple thousand acre area.
Looks like a full freezer this winter...
what would you say the big one dressed out at, 120-160 boneless?
Three tags in my hand, I have to unfold and check them for lint regularly...
dispite the potential for desaster, we have one of the lowest accidental deer hunt related death rates in the nation... Most deaths accuring during deer season has been rulled a murder cases. Seems that some people think that is the best way to get rid of some one... Michigan aint texas, you shoot some one in the face here it is deleberate....[laugh]
I dont know what is atributes to the low rate more, the strigent hunters safty cources every one born from 1960 and up must go through even if you are 21 and have served in the service you must have to fullfill the cource requirements..
It could be that there are just so many foot stomps entering the woods driving out any game...
reguardless the cause ya have to admit the number of guns verces the lack of accidents is flat out amazing...
but your right, Scarry to say the Least...
I'm guessing I'll get about 130-140 lbs of meat off the big guy. I'll start butchering it up tommorow.
On a side note, I'm convinced most hunting accidents are realy murders. How many future father in-laws out there invite potential son in-laws out hunting?
And if they ain't murder, they should be. Its realy hard for me to justify in my mind 'accidently' shooting someone instead of a deer. Even when you take a 300-400+ yard shot, you'd have to be a real terible marksman to wing a round far enough off course to hit some un-known by-stander.
The seasons been over for a couple of weeks, everything is put away for next year. I have to bring my end of season report.
This was our best year in many years. We ended up with 8 deer total. 6 bucks and 2 does. The bucks were 9 7 6 5 4 and a spiker.
I've been out grouse hunting since the season ended, there are grouse everywhere around here this year.
Now its time for ice fishing.