10-31-2007, 03:18 PM
Scary Fishing Trip From Len:
You want scary? I have got it here in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I do a lot of night fishing to escape the tourists with Fly Rods, Tubers, mothers with kids and their dogs that all pay no attention to where they are as go over your line and wonder how they got hooked.
Ninetynine percent of the time I do not use a flashlite since it spooks the living daylights out of the fish in my favorite stream. I just walk it and fish turning on the light just long enough whenever I catch a fish to get him in and unhooked.
The area where this stream is has a lot wildlife deer, Big Horn Sheep Racoons cayotes etc, so freaquently I walk up on them in the dark and cause them to go crashing of into the night. Or sometimes they walk right by you and never even notice you are there.
Part of this stream has a old mining road that runs along beside it. It crosses the stream in in several place where they left some bridges in after gating and closeing the road.
Well one fine moonless night as I fished the stream I stopped on one these bridges that has a really good deep hole on the down stream side and satdown on the railing letting my line drift with current. while sitting there and give the line a gentle tug every now and then to get it back in the current.
I heard something walk on to the bridge at first I thought it was a deer, but then it dawned as came closer that its foot falls did not have that dull thuding sound that deer make when they cross one of these bridges.
Curiouse to see what it was when it was about even with me I turned on my flashlite just see what it was. Shock suprise and instant fear were my reward less than four feet away was a Mountain Lion!
All I can say is My first instinct was to run, but the my brain knew better and that I would be kitty chew toy if I did. So I sat there really still as the big cat stood there starring at me it seemed like a eternity before he decided to move on as if nothing happen at the same lesierly pace he walked on to the bridge with.
Fishing was over right then and there for me for the night as I reeled in my line and walked briskly with the flashlite on out of there.
Do I still fish up there at night oh ya only I have made on little addition to my tackle that sometimes gets me some really strange looks as I go in there at night or I am coming out in the mornings from other people that use the area in the day, and that would a 45 in a thigh mount holster.
You want scary? I have got it here in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I do a lot of night fishing to escape the tourists with Fly Rods, Tubers, mothers with kids and their dogs that all pay no attention to where they are as go over your line and wonder how they got hooked.
Ninetynine percent of the time I do not use a flashlite since it spooks the living daylights out of the fish in my favorite stream. I just walk it and fish turning on the light just long enough whenever I catch a fish to get him in and unhooked.
The area where this stream is has a lot wildlife deer, Big Horn Sheep Racoons cayotes etc, so freaquently I walk up on them in the dark and cause them to go crashing of into the night. Or sometimes they walk right by you and never even notice you are there.
Part of this stream has a old mining road that runs along beside it. It crosses the stream in in several place where they left some bridges in after gating and closeing the road.
Well one fine moonless night as I fished the stream I stopped on one these bridges that has a really good deep hole on the down stream side and satdown on the railing letting my line drift with current. while sitting there and give the line a gentle tug every now and then to get it back in the current.
I heard something walk on to the bridge at first I thought it was a deer, but then it dawned as came closer that its foot falls did not have that dull thuding sound that deer make when they cross one of these bridges.
Curiouse to see what it was when it was about even with me I turned on my flashlite just see what it was. Shock suprise and instant fear were my reward less than four feet away was a Mountain Lion!
All I can say is My first instinct was to run, but the my brain knew better and that I would be kitty chew toy if I did. So I sat there really still as the big cat stood there starring at me it seemed like a eternity before he decided to move on as if nothing happen at the same lesierly pace he walked on to the bridge with.
Fishing was over right then and there for me for the night as I reeled in my line and walked briskly with the flashlite on out of there.
Do I still fish up there at night oh ya only I have made on little addition to my tackle that sometimes gets me some really strange looks as I go in there at night or I am coming out in the mornings from other people that use the area in the day, and that would a 45 in a thigh mount holster.