Fishing Forum

Full Version: Scotty, Where is the closed area?
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Let me clarify where I fished. As I damn sure don't want to be on any closed stream. I was fishing on sixth water above the sheep creek bridge. Above where I was fishing a mile or so is where the river starts at the tub.

I was under the assumption that the closure started at three forks and the little stream was closed.

I have no plans to fish it again as it is too swift for an old man, but you might enlighten us, Scotty so that if I was fishing in a closed area, others won't make the same mistake. Thanks

After I posted this I dug out the proclamation and could see that the river is closed from Three forks to the headwater, including tributaries. I was obviously fishing closed waters. Fifteen lashes.

This explains a lot of things, I.E. Why would the DWR plant all those cutthroat in the little stream since it is so small and questionable habitat for that many fish? Answer: They didn't. The fish went into sixth water, a stream that can handle it. The little rip rap dam on the little stream is the barrier? Answer: It isn't. There must be a more substantial barrier above the parking lot on sixth water.

I can't undo that 30 minutes of fishing, but I can punish myself by foregoing ice fishing this winter. Do you think this will be punishment enough? Clear skies and tight lines