Fishing Forum

Full Version: Posted these for my friends in Utah, thought i'd share them here..
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Add to that, the Sturgeon getting too close and suddenly hearing the hissssssssssssss (have you seen one of those dinasours in person). I don't care how many bladders are under you, you are going to relieve the one in you!
[size 3][#385000][font "Tempus Sans ITC"]OMG sis you just made me break my own cardinal rule here in the library at work.. and that is to NOT LAUGH OUT LOUD.. but I could not help myself.. Im still giggling under my breath as I type this.. thank you for brightening up my day...

MacFly [sly]
I used to have enough fun in my Old Fishmaster at Willard. We would catch some good sized Kittys that would drag us around.

I have to admit that I am crazy enough to go for a Sturgeon in a tube. At least he can't drag me so far from shore like a California Yellowtail did in the big Salty pond.

I am going for it Sis.

If I do lose one bladder, I hope that it is only the one under my waders.[cool]
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