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I was just wondering if anyone has caught cat fish at Willard bay trolling a crank bait. Any info on this would be great.
Not recently, but we have been catching Catfish on crankbaits and spoons for thirty years or more. Throwing or trolling crankbaits is the most effective in June when the Cats are Spawning.
[cool][#0000ff]Catfish become "sight feeders" and pursue living prey whenever their home waters are clear enough to see and warm enough to make them more active. When Willard has plenty of water, it stays fairly clear and the cats will often prowl in the upper zones searching for shad, just like the wipers and walleyes. It is not uncommon at all for wiperholics to catch catfish on cranks being trolled at upwards of 3 MPH.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been catching cats in Willard Bay on crankbaits, spinners, jigs and even flies since the late 70's. When the water is well up into the rocks, the cats often use the rocks both for spawning and for foraging for well as shelter. You can work along them, casting a diving crankbait or other lure, just as if you were fishing for bass, and catch a grundle of cats when they are there and active.[/#0000ff]
I'll second or third what James and Pat have said about catching cats at Willard with cranks. I would say it would be tough this time of the year to catch them with cranks but we catch them every spring and summer. By the way, welcome to the sight, looking forward to reading your post. WH2
I have caught a couple of cats at willard trolling perch colored glass shad rapalas,
Years ago I used to fish the Jordan River alot before I got a driver's license. We caught Walleye, largemouths, whities, browns, rainbows, cutts, and also channel cats on spinners. I've heard of people catching nice cats from Echo on cranks in spring when they are aggressive and spawning.