Fishing Forum

Full Version: Regulation Changes
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Big Creek downstream from the hatchery weir including the railroad trestle bridge near the mouth is closed to all angling from August 15 through September 30, 2007.

Siltcoos and Tahkenitch lakes are open to angling for coho salmon effective October 1 through December 31, 2007. The daily bag limit is one adult coho salmon and one jack coho salmon. The annual limit, in aggregate from both lakes, is five adult coho salmon. The waters of Siltcoos Lake is defined as that area upstream from the Highway 101 Bridge and downstream of the railroad trestle on the Maple Creek arm and the Fivemile Road crossing on the Fiddle Creek arm. The waters of Tahkenitch Lake is defined as that area upstream from the Highway 101 Bridge and downstream of the first road crossing on the Leitel Creek arm and the ODFW Marker at the bridge on the 059 Road just west of Douglas County Road 49.

All other specifications and restrictions as specified in the current Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations apply.