My wife said she couldn't understand my first sentence so-------. I corrected the slang. [

] After voting, couldn't stand the thought of the fishies and duckies being out there calling to me on the Web. [sly] Got on ter about noon. Made a bad, bad mistake though. [unsure] I left my camera home. [crazy] Anyways, did my sneak and got a couple of mallards again with Sparky just going crazy yipping oh boy, oh boy, another river retrieve. Love it.!!!! Did the same thing, went back to the truck and stashed em and came back with my fly rod. Did a repeat performance, only better!!!!! Still had a biggy break me off but I did manage a nice un among several other biggies. Now here's the glitch. Remember my post on the other rainbow a few days ago? Ya all were really impressed, right? Well,---------- add 3 in. to that pic. and the same "fatty" dimensions and what do ya have? Had to be 5-6 #s. right? Anyways, no camera and I released that gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous fish to give me a tussel another time. A tussel it was, I must have been on the reel fighting her/him for a good 10 min. Now the bad news, no camera. [mad] I know, I won't get nearly the response without a pic. but I got it in my "old geezer" memory bank and will write it in my notes. One good thing though, without the pic. taking, she/he was released even with less stress. Gaaaaud, her/his back was broad, broad, broad. Question - he/she had a mild hook jaw. Is that any indication of sex? Anyways, brought a few back for my grand son and me to eat up. The brown I brought back for him was 18 in. The one I lost? Who knows? 35 in.? [


] Probably about 20 - 21?? Left at about 5 pm.
Sounds like a great afternoon Fred. Glad you and the Sparkinator could find fish and ducks! It don't get much better than that!
[cool][#0000ff]Great report. I'll vote for it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't fuss about leaving the camera home. I just left mine home for the first time in about 5 years too. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just remember, any fish you do not get to see can be anything you want it to be. And any fish you release without a photo can also be anything you want it to be. After all, we are all fellow anglers here and we trust you implicitly. Heck, we might need you to believe one of our yarns someday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If that bow had a hooked jaw it was most likely a male. Females usually have smaller heads with no hooking on the lower jaw. But, coulda been some ugly old maid rainbow. I'll bet she/he gave you a good tussle.[/#0000ff]
I love your friendly jabs, and your informative responses, good on ya Bud. Keep em coming. I've missed em of late. Trust me though, it was all true with absolutely no exagerating. [sly][sly][sly][sly] If ya don't beleive me, just ask the Sparkinator. Sparky and I now have a goal, take a pic. to prove it to TD and a wonderful goal it is. That means I'll have to go back there again!!!!!! WOW, it'll be a tough job but somebody's got to do it, right? [





[cool][#0000ff]Okay, now I am interested. I gotta see who holds the fish and who clicks the camera. Sparky is a talented furry kid, but he don't got a thumb to help hold the camera steady.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You just keep on keepin' on. Never a doubt in our minds.[/#0000ff]
Leaky I thought you new the old saying ( if it brakes you off and you didn't see it it's a 5lber, if you see it and it brakes you off its a 4lber) but if it throws the hook in a jump its 6lb....[sly]