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Full Version: Ordered Fly Tying Tool Kit!
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..thank you for the info.. I just emailed him with a question or two..

.. if or when you do the basics video Id be interested in looking into that one as well.. please let us know when you are able to get that one done..

MacFly [cool]
Some small Fly Shops offer free fly tying classes. Others you pay for.

Some fly fishing organizations offer free fly tying classes. In the fall and winter some of them have Fly tying demonstrations.

Cabellas, Gander Mountain, BassPro all offer free flytying classes at different times of the year. I learned at BassPro.

You should try doing a search on the internet to find out what is available. Try search terms such as Fly Tying, Fly Fishing, lessons, "Trout Unlimited", "Federation of Fly Fishers", umpqua

Take a lesson or better a few. They will help you immensely.

Watching the many demonstration videos on the web. Pay attention to the techniques used. These will help quite a bit but not as much as taking a lesson from an individual where he can talk.

Al and Gretchen Beatty are two well experienced teachers of fly tying who are also professional fly tiers that have videos on the web worth watching. Their friends Paul and Char Simpson are also good instructors. AK Best is another excellent fly tier that has demonstration videos on the web. Here are few others that are so famous for all aspects of fly fishing it may be hard to find videos of tying flies but definitely worth watching: Bob Clouser, Flip Pillot, Dave Whitlock, Barry Reynolds, Tyler and his father Brad Befus should have some fly tying videos on the web.

I already pointed you to one of the best websites that has step by step instructions with pictures for over a hundred different flies.

Good hunting and hope you have fun with this addictive pass time.
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