Another issue of interest for you guys perhaps.
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Again a warm thanks to davetclown for the information. Hopefully this will educate the residents of your state uninformed of this issue.
Fisheries like Lake Davis can offer solutions to these "so called problems" and increase revenue to the neighboring communities that surround the area.A simple plan that could be offered for reduction of "PIKE"is based on I.P.M.-Intrigated Pest Management,or I.P.M.Allowing "Host" predators to Target,problem pests."Hosting"Bounties,for these Fish(Pike),can selectively,redirect anglers to "incentives"can and would greatly reduce populations as well as provide venues for tournamets,reduce enviromental impact,to none selective fish&wildlife,and save the state financal burdens "I" often,am reminded of on a daily basis.Do not quote me on this,or if i'm mistaken of the proper author,"But after Reading about the "pike" situation in California,I belive "Benjamin Franklin,wrote a Book titled,"Common Sence".This Publication should be a requirement for Major Elected Offical's Seats BE READ,and Quized on pending oath to office.just a thought.
As comical as that sounds on first read there is alot more to that statement than I would like to admit. I agree with everything you said. Again those fall into a common sense category. Perhaps the higher thinkers have hit a state of mind where blowing money readily in unproductive ways classifies as elite.