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Great day on the water today for Bubba, T-Mam, and Randy as they caught their 75 speck limit of trout along with 3 big reds, a few sheepshead and about 15 whitings and white trout to round out about a 100 fish day. The weather was pleaseant and these three really know how to have a good time. They came down from Kentucky and this was Bubba’s second trip with me this year. Yesterday they took another charter trip with me as they filled the 160 quart cooler to the top with slot blacks, trout, redfish and sheepshead. Their trout were caught using live shrimp under a float, once we found them it was on till they caught their limit. T-Man pulled about and 8 pound redfish out the grass in less than a foot of water for an awsome battle. Randy pulled in about a 15 pound redfish on a Norton Brass Rattling Spoon, lime green color did the trick for that big guy. The black drum are thick as flees around here right now as limits have been easy every day for those tasty fish. Their is loads of action down here right now and if the trout want to be fincky you caan always fill the box with other species.
overnight accomodations right on the bayou that sleeps 8 people
Capt. Ben Leto 985-630-2066