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Full Version: someone that gets to hunt way to much!
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Does anybody know this guy,get this he calls me at 2:00PM on a Friday and says I'm headed out to Farmington just wondering if you can make it out,I say no I have to work tell 4:30.and by the time I get out there it will be to late,he says OK just thought I would ask,He has called me on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday & Sunday.

How would it be to get out that much,and still have a wife to go home to.

Just kidding with you bud,you know who you are,but does anyone else know how much you get out.[Tongue]
Wow, That person must have waaaaaay too much free time. They might need a new job or something. I wish i could get out that much.[sly]
For a minute I thought you were talking about me. But I dont know your number...
Know way Brody,I think he should keep on working that cush job and get all his duck hunting buddies hired on.LOL.

Hey, one eyed jack I will get that to you.always like to hunt with new people.whats your method of hunting,hunting over decoys,pass shooting,or jump shooting.

I hunt out of a scanoe and set up decoys.
This is a pic of the setup.its been alot less work with the canoe dolly.
Decoys or jump shooting. Layouts in the marsh is a good way as well. Let me know. Shoot me a PM we will get out. The areas I like are Public or BRBR. Going for a swan Sunday and turkey day. wahoo!
I'd be willing to be it's you!!! [cool]
No way![angelic]
nope,Not me by a long shot.I was building a deck today.
But he was out there,he called me to tell me it wasn't as good as last night,just two birds where shot in his group.
he is going fishing tommorow and will probably post up with some pics of his son with a big old grin holding a bass.

Not today man. Fishin was tough. Full report later.
I hope fishin was better than the hunting was last night.
not much[pirate]
I figured it was Brody. Too much time and $$$$$
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]That's who I thought it was too!![/#ff4040][/font]
Not even close to enough money! Maybe too much time though.[Tongue]